Paper SOLO/PAIR Preparation Deutschland Rules and Procedures We are paper boxing. 1) Fold like a hamburger 2) Fold like a hamburger again Head the paper in the upper right corner with your first and last name, today’s date, and the period you have civics. Title your paper “Deutschland Rules and Procedures.”
Deutschland Rules and Procedures (no standards covered) - by the end of this lesson: you should be able to identify class rules and procedures All notations are the original steps from the original lesson plan.
Box 1: Putting On Do you know how to put on a shirt? In the first box, write a step-by-step guide to putting on a shirt. You can have as many steps as you want. BE SPECIFIC! Order of Classes I need two volunteers. Flow Maps are useful for showing order. Today we will use them to talk about procedures. 1st period 2nd period 3rd period 4th period 5th period 6th period
Box 2: What are rules? RULES PROCEDURES A rule is a command that may not be ignored. Violation of rules is punished. In this classroom, we use soccer terminology if you break a rule.
Box 3: Soccer Cards A yellow card is your first and only warning for the day. If I say you have a yellow card, stop what you are doing and read over the class rules. Figure out what rule you are breaking and adjust your behavior. If I say that you have a second yellow card in the same day, you will (at a minimum) need to stay after class to discuss what you’ve done. The maximum penalty for two yellow cards is being sent out of the room with an administrator.
Box 3: Soccer Cards Two yellow cards equals a red card. If you are given a red card, (in soccer) you are sent off the pitch and will be suspended. = In class, Level II behaviors will lead to a red card. In this class, I won’t give anyone a red card without a warning. If something happens that would deserve a red card, we may need to call an administrator into the class.
What are the proper classroom procedures? (don’t answer yet) Box 4: Class Rules Using your own words, write down shortened versions of these five rules. CLASS RULES Be in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings. Bring the materials required for this class and do your best work every day. Remain silent and seated until given permission to do otherwise. Show respect for the people, equipment, and furnishings in this room. Follow proper classroom procedures and accept responsibility for your actions. What are the proper classroom procedures? (don’t answer yet)
Box 5: What are procedures? RULES PROCEDURES A rule is a command that may not be ignored. Violation of rules is punished. In this classroom, we use soccer terminology if you break a rule. Procedures are step-by- step instructions to achieve a desired result. You cannot break a procedure. It is not like a rule. If you cannot follow the procedure, you won’t achieve the desired result. There are few rules in this class. There are many procedures in this class. A common step in most procedures is C3B4UCme.
Box 6: Paper Heading Procedures are best described by a flow map like the one describing your school day from earlier in this presentation. This flow map describes what I mean when I say “head your paper”: In box 6, copy this flow chart –OR- write this information down. Write your first and last name Write today’s date Write the period you have civics in the upper right corner
Box 7: Pair Procedures Please mentally pick a partner. Mentally means in your mind only. Make eye contact with that person, but don’t say a word yet. You may move to your partner now. You and your partner will be creating procedures. I prefer that you use flow maps to illustrate your process. If you would rather, you can write a paragraph instead. In both cases, you will need to have at least five steps for your procedure. One of you will create a procedure for walking from here to the cafeteria. The other will create a procedure for walking from here to the clinic.
Box 8: Pair Edit Times up! Please hand your paper to your partner. She or he will now rewrite your flow map (or paragraph) with any steps you missed or skipped. Skipping steps in a procedure happens because one person finds them too obvious. That doesn’t mean you got it wrong; it just means you were thinking of something else. You have another five minutes to complete this. You must add at least two steps to your partner’s work.
Box 8: Pair Edit Sharing Out Times up again! Please return your partner’s paper to her / him and return to your seat. When it gets quiet, we will share out your procedures. The first perfect procedure to the cafeteria and the first perfect procedure to the clinic will be rewarded. I will read the procedures out loud; this is so that you don’t try to add any extra steps in the middle of a presentation. Listeners: your job during the presentation is to raise your hand with an objection. If the procedure would fail (because something obvious to you was forgotten), please tell me what it is when I call on you.