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Presentation transcript:


1. Transfering a call You are a switchboard operataor, you are in charge of transfering calls. TIPS Always identify yourself and your company. Ask who is calling, note down names if necessary. Say to hold on Say you are transfering the call

A model conversation: Good morning! LTD Company, Rose Johnes speaking. How can I help you? Riiiiiiiiing!!!!! Hi! Could I speak to Mr. Lopez, please? Who ‘s calling, please? This is Martjin Vraussftung, from IT&T Could you spell that, please? Of course, M-a-r-t-j-i-n (next word) V-r-a-u-s-s-f-t-u-n-g Let me read that back to you:…. Correct? O.K, Hold on a minute…Putting you through.

TASK1:Copy the expressions from the conversation and try to think of other options to say the same MODEL CONVERSATION OTHER EXPRESSIONS Answering: Ask for someone: Ask name: Say name: Ask to spell: Check spelling: Transfering a call: Putting someone on hold:

TASK 2: ROLE PLAY A PHONE CALL You work for the” hotel Princetown” in England, You are in charge of the switchboard. Answer the phone. Note down name, number and e-mail of the person calling. Transfer the call. You are … (invent a difficult name), You want to speak to Mr. Gonzalez. Phonecall record Caller’s name: _____________________ Caller’s phone #: ___________________ Caller’s e-mail: ____________________ Call trasnsfered to: _________________ Tip: when role playing a phone call allways sit back to back, it will make it more realistic as when you are on the phone you can’t see people’s faces and this is the main difficulty

2. TAKING A MESSAGE You are a Personal Assistant in a company. You are in charge of taking phone messages for your Boss, who is not inn. TIPS Identify you and your company Identify the caller. Say the reason for your boss’s unavailability. Offer to take a message. Note down the message. Say you will pass it on asap.

Model conversation A: LTD Ltd. Mar Lluc speaking. May I help you? B: Hi! This is Francesco Motta, from Systems Co. I’d like to speak to Mr Daniels, please A: I am sorry, but Mr. Daniels is in a meeting at the moment. May I take a message? B: It is about our contract for computer maintenance, I have sent a draft to his mail and I wanted to make sure he got it. A: Ok, Let me note it down… Could you spell your name please? B: F-R-A… A: all right. Let me read that back to you: Your name is Francesco Motta, with double t, and you have sent a draft of the contract for computer maintenance. Sorry, what is the name of your co.? B: I work for Systems Co. I am the Sales Manager. B: Thanks a lot. Good Bye. A: Ok, thank you very much. I’ll make sure he gets the message. Good bye!

TASK 1. complete the call registry Calls registry. Date: ___________ Caller’s name_________________________________________ Phone #: ____________________________________________ Subject: _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Actions to take: _______________________________________

TASK 2:Copy the expressions in the conversation and try to think of other options to say the same MODEL CONVERSATION OTHER EXPRESSIONS Answering: XXX Co. XX Speaking. May I help you? Saying the person is not in: Offering to take a message: Saying what is your message: Say you are writing: Checking the message: Saying who do you work for: Saying you will give the message:

TASK 3. role play a conversation You are the P.A of Mr Ross. Answer the phone and take the message. Calls registry. Date: ___________ Caller’s name_________________________________________ Phone #: ____________________________________________ Subject: _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Actions to take: _______________________________________ Ask for Mr. Ross. Invent a reason for your call. Leave a message.

Practice: Leaving a Message Student B: You are a receptionist at W&W. Student A would like to speak to Ms Braun, but she is out of the office. Take a message and make sure you get the following information: Name and telephone number - ask student A to spell the surname Message student A would like to leave for Ms Braun How late Ms Braun can call student A at the given telephone number Student A: You want to speak to Ms Braun about your account with her company, W&W. If Ms Braun isn't in the office, leave the following information: Your name Telephone number: 347-8910 (or use your own) Calling about changing conditions of your contract with W&W You can be reached until 5 o'clock at the above number. If Ms Braun calls after 5 o'clock, she should call 458-2416 Calls registry. Date: ___________ Caller’s name_________________________________________ Phone #: ____________________________________________ Subject: _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Actions to take: _______________________________________

telephoning Answering the phone Good morning/afternoon/evening, York Enterprises, Elizabeth Jones speaking. Who's calling, please? Introducing yourself This is Paul Smith speaking. Hello, this is Paul Smith from Speakspeak International. Asking for someone Could I speak to John Martin, please? I'd like to speak to John Martin, please. Could you put me through to John Martin, please? Could I speak to someone who … Explaining I'm afraid Mr Martin isn't in at the moment. I'm sorry, he's in a meeting at the moment. I'm afraid he's on another line at the moment. Putting someone on hold Just a moment, please. Could you hold the line, please? Hold the line, please. Problems I'm sorry, I don't understand. Could you repeat that, please? I'm sorry, I can't hear you very well. Could you speak up a little, please? I'm afraid you've got the wrong number. I've tried to get through several times but it's always engaged. Could you spell that, please? Putting someone through One moment, please. I'll see if Mr Jones is available. I'll put you through. I'll connect you. I'm connecting you now. Taking a message Can I take a message? Would you like to leave a message? Can I give him/her a message? I'll tell Mr Jones that you called I'll ask him/her to call you as soon as possible.

3. Taking room reservations You are a receptionist at a hotel desk, you are in charge of taking room reservations TIPS Make sure you have all the information about the hotel. Note down the reservation data and check that it is correct

Model conversation R: Good afternoon, Merrington Hotel, How can I help you? C: Hi! I’d like to book a room for 2 nights for next weekend. R. Would you like a single, double, twin or suite? C: A twin, please. R: Let me check if we have anything available… yes, we have a twin available. Would you like full board, half board or only breakfast? C: Half board, please, but, is it possible to have dinner instead of lunch? C: One more question, Do the rooms have air conditioning? R: Of course. R: Yes sir, they do. C: And one more thing, is there a tub or a shower in the bathroom? R: In the twin rooms there are showers, sir. C: Ok, that’s fine. R: Could you please give me a contact number, please? C: Yes, it is 657 89 08 R: Could you give me your full name, please? C: This is Andrei Luppude R: All right. Let me read the information back to you: You want a twin room for October 17th and 18th, with half board for dinner. Your number is 657 89 08 and your name Andrei Luppude. Is that right? C: Yes, that’s correct. Thank you very much.. C: Good bye R: thanks for calling. Good bye.

Task 1: Note down vocabulary and expressions Vocabulary: taking room reservations on the phone

Task 2: role play a room reservation You are the recepcionist at the Washington Hotel. Answer any questions. Take a room reservation and fill up the form below. Reservation number: 1345 Surname: _____________ Contact name: _______________ Arrival: _______________ Contact No. _________________ Nights: ______ Departure: ______________ Adults: _______ Child: ____ Rooms: ______ Room type: _______________ Board: _________________________________ You want to book a room for 3 days in November. It is for 3 people. Ask if there is a parking, if there is TV in the rooms and the price of the rooms. Say if you want full board, half or just breakfast.

Role play: booking a room A: You are Mr/Ms. Doupont. You want to book a room for 2 people for October 31st. You want to know how much are the rooms, if they have coffee and tea facilities and if they are having a Halloween Party. Room price: ___________ B: You work for California Hotel. Fill up the room reservation form below. Say that you are not having a Halloween Party, but that you can find information about any parties in town. Twins cost 80€, doubles 85€. Reservation number: 1345 Surname: _____________ Contact name: _______________ Arrival: _______________ Contact No. _________________ Nights: ______ Departure: ______________ Adults: _______ Child: ____ Rooms: ______ Room type: _______________ Board: _________________________________ Other: _________________________________

C: You are Mr/Ms. Sowards C: You are Mr/Ms. Sowards. You want to book a room from November 2nd to November 4th. You need a single room. Ask if there is a bar in the hotel and what time it closes. You want breakfast and dinner. Room price: _______________ D: You work for K1 Hotel, fill the form below. The bar closes at 11 p.m. Singles cost 75€ Reservation number: 1345 Surname:_________ Contact name: _________ Arrival: _______________ Contact No. _______ Nights: ______ Departure: ______________ Adults: _______ Child: ____ Rooms: ______ Room type: _______________ Board: ________________________________ Other: __________________________________

E: You are Mr. /Ms. Sloterdjik E: You are Mr./Ms. Sloterdjik. You need to book a room for 3 for December 24th and 25th. Ask if they do anything special for Christmas. Ask how much would everything be. Book or don’t book the room. Price: ____________ F: You work for the Sheraton Hotel. There are no double rooms available for the 24th and 25th. Only a suit is left. The suit costs 200€ and the Christmas Party 50€/person. Reservation number: 1345 Surname: ________ Contact name: ______ Arrival: __________ Contact No. _______ Nights: ______ Departure: ______________ Adults: _______ Child: ____ Rooms: ______ Room type: _______________ Board: _________________________________ Other. __________________________________