Style Analysis Chart – Review (no warm up today)! Remember way back to Friday. Remember way back to Friday. Get back into your groups and share with your group your work (imagery, diction, syntax). Select a representative from your group last week to share your findings (please share on student’s group work with me) We will share the work from one group of each domain. While a student shares the group work, the rest of you should copy their findings in order to have a full chart by the end of the activity. We will also review the findings for accuracy!
Learning Targets To define terms that are applicable to our lesson by using context clues; To work in groups to select quotations that illustrate aspects of O’Brien’s writing style; To share findings and determine whether our classmates’ findings are solid examples of those aspects of O’Brien’s writing style; and To write a paragraph that incorporates some of the class’s findings in order to make a statement or draw a conclusion about O’Brien’s writing style. To draft an outline in order to organize material for the writing out of our The Things They Carried essay.
Suggested Analytical Structure (Body Paragraph): Now, Write a Paragraph! Suggested Analytical Structure (Body Paragraph): TS (topic sentence, assertion, conclusion drawn): From your chart, choose one domain and one dimension. From this, establish what inference, conclusion or assessment you have made about the author’s style. Cx (context): As necessary, provide your reader the context in which this element of style is being applied to the quotation; consider the evidence you are offering and what background the reader will need in order to fully appreciate your evidence. CD (concrete detail): Use the quote from the domain and dimension that you chose. Copy, and indicate the page number. Cm (commentary, deconstruction, elaboration): Articulate the function, purpose, and effect of the evidence you’ve offered. Deconstruct the CD by pulling out discrete words, phrases, or forms which illustrate the conclusion you’ve drawn. Look at the suggested questions for your chosen domain (found on the Big Three handout), and address those questions. Then, connect the dots for the reader and prove your assertion/conclusion valid.
Proposal Peer Review Sort the samples from the warm up from most effective to least effective.
Proposals – Peer Review Trade with a partner. Use the review document on Google Classroom to review his/her work.
Homework If you don’t finish, write your body paragraph at home