A4B Internet Project Monitor Seminar January 10th 2011
Agenda Introduction Quarterly Reporting IPM requirements and paperwork Project Compliance Monitoring
A4B Aims Promote a high value-added economy Maximise economic impact of academic business interactions Knowledge Transfer New products / services created Sustainability Jobs created and protected Provide revenue and capital funding to invest in expertise in new technology / markets Encourage collaborative industrial research
Role of The Project Manager Ensure all related paperwork is complete, and maintained in the Project File. Collaboration Agreements Evidence Forms Staff Timesheets (where applicable) SME Logbooks (where applicable) Minutes of Meetings Quarterly Reports Tender Documents (where applicable) Participate in A4B Quarterly Monitoring Coordination, sign off and recording of evidence for IPM!!!!!
As project manager you must ……. Know what expenditure has been approved Know the dates when claims are due in Consult with A4B before any changes or re-profile is made to the project Know the start and end date of your project – Payments Outside This Period Are Ineligible Keep all records till 31st December 2025 (WEFO)
DRI Quarterly Reporting – Roles Arrange Kick Off Project Meeting (Sarah) Provide Advice & Guidance (Ali and Sarah) Attend Steering group meetings (Ali) Co-ordinate Quarterly Claims Meetings (Sarah) Preparation, collation of documented evidence for IPM (Project Manager) Update IPM System (Sarah and Victoria)
Quarterly Reporting All Claims to WAG are processed by DRI Quarterly meeting are required to verify financial and non-financial progress prior to claims submission. Project manager to prepare progress report and evidence requirements and forward to DRI for inclusion with claims. Claims to match progress report Claims submitted quarterly via internet Project Monitor - iPM Three part claims (Expenditure, Output and targets & Quarterly Progress Report) Claims due in one month after the quarterly claim period. Project Costs must be defrayed before they can be included in the claim
What is the Quarterly Report? Ideally completed after the quarterly claim meeting Report must reflect evidence of targets and outputs submitted to DRI for IPM input If evidence is not matched WAG may place the claim on hold Report Includes…. Reasons for variance versus 15% of budget Current Progress and future planned progress Best Practice, PR stories
Quarterly Claim Submitted 1 (Oct) 2 (Nov) 3 (Dec) Reporting Month (Jan) Week 1 2 3 4 Quarterly Meeting Finance Capital & Revenue Quarterly Claim Submitted Staff Timesheets / Expenses Investment Induced Letter – enrolment forms Outputs & Targets Seminars / Seminar Hours Network Meetings Projects Identified Enterprise Assisted Demos Scoping Discussions Collaborative R&D Environmental tech Transfer New / Improved Products & Services New or safeguarded Jobs Quarterly Report Company enrolment forms are required!
IPM – What is it? Web based data collection & monitoring tool, remote access, A4B control Multi passwords available & Read Only or Read/Write access DRI process financial data, projects teams can update non financial data Quarterly report – progress reports Financial Reports - Budget monitoring Targets and Outputs - Indicators Resource and Contacts Area
IPM – How is it used by WAG? Reports generated from iPM are used to:- -Complete A4B quarterly claims to WEFO -WAG Senior Management reporting Recent Evaluation of A4B as part of DE&T restructuring Value for Money Evaluation Profile Variances
DRI Financial Reporting on IPM Capital Costs - item, serial #, University asset #, location of asset Revenue Costs - Staff timesheets for under 100% - Expenses - Travel details Investment Induced - Letter of value of quarterly support in line with application provided by company
Paperwork Requirements - Financial? Staff Timesheets (needed for employees working less than 100% on project) Letters from companies for investment induced (should be in line with the original proposal)
Target & Output Reporting on IPM Performance Indicators: Steering Group Meetings, Seminars, Networks meetings, Projects identified, Demos, Scoping Discussions Outputs and Results: Collaborative R&D hours / Collaborative R&D projects Enterprise Assisted (including time spent on above activities) Funding Secured R&D investment induced Projects transferring environmental technology New improved products and services Gross jobs created / Gross jobs safeguarded Company enrolment forms are required after 7 hours of contact with company
Paperwork Requirements – Outputs and targets? A guide to iPM requirements is available at http://www.swan.ac.uk/research_innovation/Downloads/InternetProjectMonitor/ shows requirements for each target and indicator headings Provides forms which to help record the data for IPM Note: If you choose to use another method of recording data for input to iPM, please ensure that each of the headings as set out in the iPM requirements document are recorded
The A4B Contract Other Documentation required (not on IPM) Sub Contract Agreements with collaborator HEI CIRP Agreement with company partners / HEIs KTC Agreement NDA’s (if appropriate) Tender documentation Note: DRI has templates for the agreements, all agreements must be signed by DRI
Partnership Arrangements for IPM All partners should sign and return a sub-contract Partners must claim within the prescribed time periods – failure to do so will result in non-payment Must claim to profile (within 15%) SU will only pay partners once WAG pays us! Maintain delivery of outputs and spend Back-up information is needed to verify all claims Most HEIs understand the brief!
A4B Compliance Monitoring One visit per project, could be ad hoc Purpose - to ensure claims paid are fully evidenced, activity and expenditure is eligible and complies with contract and guidelines. Key personnel to be available (not necessarily present) i.e.: project manager, administrator, claims/finance input. Original documents to be retained and produced for audit, signed & authorised. Good methodical record keeping; signposting where necessary. Publicity and Case Studies- correct logos, brand@wales.gsi.gov.uk Retention dates currently 2025. Post Completion Monitoring and Evaluation - to measure project impact, additional outputs, evolution of the original project, value for money and assessment of the delivery of the project in line with the cross cutting themes included in original application (e.g. Sustainability) Ensure you have a robust audit trail - everyday an audit day! Consult with DRI if in doubt
Compliance Monitoring Checklist Verification tests on expenditure (Staff costs and expenses) Sample test on eligibility of activity – evidence Evidence of results and investment induced Checks on state aid Comment on Publicity
Good Practice Guide for A4B projects Maintain Accurate Project File Ensure robust project management system and audit trail Don’t move funding without A4B permission Revisit Milestones and Cashflow in contract Verify Eligibility of Expenditure with DRI Focus on Targets – convergence v non convergence Keep on Top of Paperwork – company evidence, data collection, timesheets No Nasty Surprises - Keep DRI Informed
Conclusion and Contact Details Record Keeping is very IMPORTANT for audit purposes Keep DRI in the loop Ali Parker 01792 602630, a.c.parker@swansea.ac.uk Sarah Haynes 01792 295435 s.e.haynes@swansea.ac.uk Victoria Hurst 01792 295992 v.l.hurst@swansea.ac.uk Involve A4B team Leanne Richards (A4B Case) 01792 222435 leanne.Richards@wales.gsi.gov.uk Sharon Morgan (KTC and CIRP) 01792 222481 sharon.morgan@wales.gsi.gov.uk Julie Cunnington Hill (KTC / CIRP) 02920368492 julie.cunnington-hill@wales.gsi.gov.uk Gareth Wilson (KEP) 01686613366 gareth.wilson@wales.gsi.gov.uk Terry Stubbs (IP / Commercialisation) 07795336671 terry.stubbs@wales.gsi.gov.uk