Human Wellbeing Index CAT Assessment Task
Cranbourne East Secondary College Humanities-Geographies of Wellbeing. This Common Assessment Task will be completed during class time. You will have 3 lessons to complete this CAT. If you have any questions, ask your teacher for feedback. Your teacher cannot provide you with the answer but can prompt and support you to complete the section. If you are absent from the Common Assessment Task, it is your responsibility to arrange an alternative time, with your teacher, to complete the CAT. See the Instructional Rubric . This outlines the criteria for how your work will be assessed. Use the rubric to guide your progression through this assessment task.
Common Assessment Task Outline. ‘’Human Wellbeing Index’ As you now know, there are some problems with the measurements of wellbeing that are currently in use. Your task is to create a new measurement of wellbeing using any indicators (both quantitative and qualitative) that you choose. Complete the following slides and present your finding in a digital format, such as a blog, presi, googlesites or weebly. This new measurement will be called the ‘’Human Wellbeing Index’
Question 1 Select a minimum of 5 individual indicators that could be used to measure wellbeing in a country from this list. Fill these into a table. If you have any other indicators that you want to use please clarify these with your teacher.
Question 2 Outline each of your indicator and explain how it is a measure of human wellbeing.
Question 3 Draw up a table and collect the data for 10 different countries, including Australia and India. You must have at least one country from the following regions: Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas and pacific. You must cite the source of your statistics.
Question 4 Use your data to put your countries in order from highest to lowest wellbeing.
Question 5 Analyse your indicators by providing detailed comment on the strengths and weaknesses of your index. Could you improve it in any way? Please note of the detail that has been placed into this example. Remember to be thoughtful in how you set this up in your presentation.
Question 6 Use a special purpose map to creatively and imaginatively display your wellbeing index. Remember BOLTSS.
Question 7: Remember to reference your sources. Write a correct bibliography of resources used. Remember with websites to record: Title of website, creator, URL and date accessed. Books: Authors Surname, First name, title of book, publisher, where published, date of publication, pages used. In text references any maps or images used.