Nikki Soyza Community Navigators Manager
Local Charity Our Mission: To help people to stay healthy, independent and to keep in touch with their community.
Community Navigators Provide information about enjoyable activities and useful services for older people, adult carers and adults with disabilities 10.20
Community Navigators Cambridgeshire Inform people about and refer them to relevant activities and services Help people overcome barriers to make use of relevant activities and services Identify where more activities and services are needed and work with local people to provide these
Customer satisfaction = 95% Navigations 2016 Target navigations = 4500 Actual navigations = 9071 Customer satisfaction = 95%
Help at Home Provides volunteers who offer short term practical help and emotional support to people during a difficult time such as illness or following a hospital stay 10.35
Help at Home Covers Cambridgeshire – Help for up to 3 weeks, free of charge Help to keep people out of hospital or when they get home from a stay in hospital or with one off tasks. Volunteers help with practical tasks including shopping, light housework, collecting prescriptions or pensions, helping out fill out short forms. Offer emotional support for those who have perhaps lost confidence after a stay in hospital.
CNC Services Help at Home “We’ve been so happy with what you’ve done for Mum and we think it’s an excellent service.” “It’s been wonderful. People don’t realise the help is out there until you need it.”
Community Development Help to start up and sustain local groups that assist people to maintain social interaction and independence 10.50
Community Development Help to set up, support and sustain community groups across Cambridgeshire. Support people who want to start a new community group or activity. Make sure the group or scheme is safe and legal. Help existing groups find new members or volunteers or apply for external funding.
Community Development Activity
Community Development Activity
Care Network Community Navigators: Information 01954 212100 Help at Home: Short Term Practical Help 01223 714433 Community Development: Support for Groups 01954 211919
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