Lesson 12 -Maintaining Documents & Macros Lesson 13 - Protecting & sharing documents Lesson 14 - Advanced Options #1.12, #1.13, & #1.14
Lesson 12 -Maintaining Documents & Macros
A Master Document is the main document created in Word, such as your research paper. Creating master documents enables you to work efficiently with large reports. Long documents are broken down into subdocuments making it more manageable and easy to edit. A research paper or long report contains information such as a title, thesis, introduction, techniques, results, and works cited to name a few. Scanning through the whole document can be cumbersome. Working with a master document you can organize the heading sections into smaller sections called Subdocuments. Master Documents
Subdocuments are sections within the Master Document that have been separated into subsections. When a Subdocument is created, it becomes a separate file from the Master although it still remains linked to the Master Document. This allows you to open a small 2- or 3-page Subdocument rather than a 20-page document. Subdocuments are created based on their heading styles; the Subdocument is saved with the heading as the filename. The Master Document automatically gets updated when the Subdocument is changed because the Subdocument is linked to the Master Document. Subdocuments
When you open the Outline view from the View tab, the Outlining tab contains buttons for working with long documents and arranging the document into smaller sections. The Outlining tab contains the Collapse and Expand subdocument buttons that correlate with the Master Document. Outline View
To view the Master Document with its contents, click the Expand Subdocuments button on the Outlining tab. Once the Expand Subdocuments button is clicked, you can switch views and the document remains expanded. The Collapse Subdocuments button closes the subdocuments. Expand and Collapse
When you rearrange levels in a Master Document, you move the Subdocument heading to another level by using the commands in the Outlining tab by either Promoting (move up) or Demoting (move down) the level. For instance, to move a topic in the paper under another heading, you demote that heading. You may decide that the Heading 1 style applied to one of the headings should be a Heading 2. In the Outlining tab, you have options to change the levels of the headings by using the Promote or Demote buttons. It is easy to demote a Level 1 to a Level 2 or vice versa. Promote and demote
Located on the View Ribbon A Macro is a recorded sequence of commands to automate a task and save time in completing a repetitive task. It is a series of commands and actions that can be recorded and run whenever you need to perform the task. When a Macro is created, you can run it manually or assign it to run whenever a series of keystrokes are pressed or a button on the QAT is selected. Macros Located on the View Ribbon
Once you determine which method to assign the Macro, the next step is recording your steps. While Word is recording a Macro, you see the mouse pointer change to a recording pointer on your screen. At this point, every keystroke and mouse click is recorded. Once a Macro is recorded, you can press the keyboard shortcut or select the button to run it in a document. Macros
Lesson 13 - Protecting & sharing documents
Protecting and Sharing In Word 2013, Backstage provides commands to allow you to; protect, inspect, and share documents; and manage versions of your documents. You may need to set a password for sensitive documents. There are two different types of options to protecting a document: Save as Tools and Restrict Editing Protecting and Sharing
Set a Password – restrict editing There a two ways to access the Restrict Editing pane: On the Review ribbon From the Backstage view Set a Password – restrict editing
Set a Password – restrict editing You can protect a document with a password to open as Read Only to secure confidential material. Another way to protect your document is to Restrict Editing. This limits the types of changes that can be made to the document. For instance, you might want to limit formatting changes to only comments or make changes that are tracked. Set a Password – restrict editing
The Mark as Final prevents recipients from making changes to the document: The document becomes Read Only and that is displayed on the title bar. When a document is marked as final, the status property is set to Marked as Final and typing, editing commands, and proofing marks are turned off. Notice the Marked as Final icon on the status bar. Mark as final
Encryption protects a document so that it cannot be opened without a password. Protecting your document from an unsafe location is necessary to avoid viruses, worms, or other kinds of malware that might harm your computer. Applying protection
Managing Document versions Retrieving a document by versions or recovering an unsaved file has been made easier by Microsoft. Word can help you retrieve your document by using the Manage Versions. Document versions can be managed in Backstage using the Info command and selecting which version to save. Word provides an option to Recover Documents by saving every ten minutes by default in AutoRecover. Under Manage Versions, you can also browse for unsaved files. (also found in Backstage – Open) Managing Document versions
Many of the documents created in a business environment will need to be shared with others. Before you share a document, it is important to ensure the document has a professional appearance. Microsoft Word 2013 has three tools to help you with this: Inspect Inspector Check Accessibility Check Compatibility In addition, Microsoft Word 2013 makes it easy for you to share your documents with colleagues, clients, and others using several formats, including e- mail attachments, PDF documents, & blog posts. Sharing documents
Document inspector (Inspect document) Word contains a feature that removes unwanted information from your document. This unwanted information can be in the document properties. The Document Inspector is used to find and remove hidden data and personal information in Word 2013 documents as well as earlier versions. It is a good idea to practice inspecting the document before sharing an electronic copy such as an e-mail attachment. Document inspector (Inspect document)
Check accessibility (accessibility checker) The Accessibility Checker determines whether there are potential errors in your document and alerts you that the content might be difficult for an individual with a disability to read. Accessibility is defined as being accessible to those with disabilities. Before sharing your document, it is important to inspect your document in case someone with a disability opens the document. Check accessibility (accessibility checker)
Before sharing documents, it is good practice to check whether the document is error free and the formatting appears professional. It is also important to make sure other people will be able to open and read the document. Word’s built-in Check Compatibility tool ensures that a document’s features are compatible with other versions of Word. The Compatibility Checker searches a document for features that are not supported by earlier versions of Word and lists a summary of these features. Check compatibility