SunComm 2011 Joyce Riquelme Manager Center Planning and Development Kennedy Space Center Enabling Commercial Space at Kennedy Space Center
KSC - A N ATIONAL A SSET EST Representing 70% of NASAs land holdings and 20% of NASAs facility assets
NOW TRANSITIONING FOR THE FUTURE : Heavy-lift Launch and NASAs Exploration Program Commercial Cargo and Crew, and utilization of the International Space Station Modernizing & right sizing of KSC infrastructure, re-purposing of former Space Shuttle facilities E NABLING ACCESS TO SPACE
M ULTI -U SER L AUNCH C OMPLEX Horizontal Launch & Landing Clean Floor Processing Multi-Use Integration Heavy Class Launch Capability Small Vehicle Launch Capability Flexible Launch Capability 21 ST C ENTURY G ROUND S YSTEMS P ROGRAM
C OMMERCIAL S PACE Commercial Space Launch/Service Providers Commercial Space Launch/Service Providers Entrepreneurial space activities Entrepreneurial space activities Commercial crew and cargo services for NASA Commercial crew and cargo services for NASA Suborbital spaceflight for STEM, research, and tourism Suborbital spaceflight for STEM, research, and tourism Access to International Space Station and other platforms Access to International Space Station and other platforms Blue Origin SpaceX Boeing Sierra Nevada
P ARTNERSHIPS Center Planning and Development Office Formed in 2008 and reorganized in 2010 Formed in 2008 and reorganized in 2010 KSCs Front Door to engage new business focusing on: KSCs Front Door to engage new business focusing on: Master plan for KSC infrastructure, land use, and real estate strategies Master plan for KSC infrastructure, land use, and real estate strategies Commercial space transportation and services Commercial space transportation and services Retention of highly skilled aerospace workers and facility assets Retention of highly skilled aerospace workers and facility assets
Kennedy Space Center Center Planning and Development KSC S N OTICE OF A VAILABILITY Published January 24, 2011Published January 24, 2011 Identified all major KSC facilities anticipated to become idle or under usedIdentified all major KSC facilities anticipated to become idle or under used Wide coverage in key trade press such as Space News, Av Week, Space RefWide coverage in key trade press such as Space News, Av Week, Space Ref Received 30 responses from both industry and governmentReceived 30 responses from both industry and government 17 responses fit definition for priority consideration17 responses fit definition for priority consideration Evaluation of best fit for available assets is on-goingEvaluation of best fit for available assets is on-going 7
Master Plan Update for Commercial Restricted, Controlled, and Public Access areas redefined Commercial Operating Zones Dedicated and Shared Facilities
T HE F UTURE T HE F UTURE KSC will be the launch complex of the future, designed to serve the needs of the world KSC will be the launch complex of the future, designed to serve the needs of the world KSC will support a variety of customers, government and commercial KSC will support a variety of customers, government and commercial KSCs unique facilities and highly skilled workforce will support the space community, making space less costly and more routine KSCs unique facilities and highly skilled workforce will support the space community, making space less costly and more routine NASA will continue to explore beyond low-Earth orbit, and that effort will launch from KSC NASA will continue to explore beyond low-Earth orbit, and that effort will launch from KSC