CSTL Sharing Meeting 2016 Child Right Safety and Protection Madina Kemilembe Tanzania Coastlands Hotel – Durban, South Africa 22-24 November 2016
Presentation Outline A description of the programme or policy Achievements Challenges Opportunities/Emerging Issues Key lessons learnt
A description of the programme or policy Addressing the needs of the poor and other marginalized groups is one of the agenda items that is given high priority in all government policies, plans and programs.
Education Sector Development Program (ESDP) focuses on the provision of Primary Education as well as education for out of school children including vulnerable/hard to reach children with drawn/or at risk of entering into child labour
Achievements Abolished school fees and other mandatory contributions tied to enrolment and attendance Mainstreaming of Complementary Basic Education in Tanzania (COBET) pupils to formal primary schools. There are identification procedures for targeting most valuable children
…..Achievements Has mainstreamed child labour issues in the National Costed Plan of Action for Most Vulnerable Children NCPAII 2013 – 2017. In this plan the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training is a Key Stakeholder Work in collaboration with Department of Social Welfare (DSW) to ensure identified Most Vulnerable Children (MVC) are supported with education and/or Vocational Training and will ensure they can access and benefit from all available formal and non- forma educational opportunities.
Achievements…. Developed guideline to ensure all teenage mothers, especially the Most Vulnerable Children (MVC), are integrated back in to the education System. Collaborate with PO-RALG to create a funding mechanism to ensure education scholarships for MVC who are selected for secondary education.
……Achievements In collaboration with IRC WEKEZA project 4000 pupils from the poor families have been supported with school materials such as bags, uniforms, shoes and books Parents of pupils in the project area are supported to establish VICOBA –Village Communty Bank in order to support their children.
………Achievements Committed to revised and train all teachers on the Code of Conduct for Professional Ethics, ensure there are effective child abuse complaint, reporting and referral mechanisms within the school environment, with designated role to trained Guidance and Counseling Teachers, and will ensure life skills training and peer education programs in all schools
Challenges Great demand of support to vulnerable children Parents and Guardians continues to engage children in child labour Great demand for the training of teachers, parents, guardians on child protection Need to strengthen systems for protecting the rights of the most at-risk, vulnerable or chronically poor children in the country
Opportunities/Emerging Issues Availability of ESDP which guide implementation of different education programmes in the education sector Availability of the Education and training Policy which direct the provision of education at all levels Availability of International partners like ILO,IRC na UNICEF who are ready to support the programme in order to eliminate child labour
Key Lessons Learnt Ownership of the project by the communities is vital for sustainability in eliminating child labour Coordination and cooperation among sectors is also important Awareness on child labour is highly demanded