NON-DEMOCRATIC STATES One person or privileged group holds all the power and governs basing on personal interests.
This person or privileged group Their actions have not got any limit. There is not any political pluralism, since there is just one party There are not free elections or they are manipulated by the government. There is not division of powers. They commonly get the power through a coup d’état or in a revolution.
TYPES Try to name the difference between, and give an example Absolute Monarchy Dictatorship
ABSOLUTE MONARCHY The King has all the powers and appoints people to govern on his behalf. They dictate laws, govern and judge and claim that they act in the name of God. Saudi Arabia, Oman or other Middle East monarchies are good examples of this type of state.
DICTATORSHIP There is one person or group of people that has absolute powers and governs. He is supported by a political party, ethnic group, or the army. Good examples can be found across Africa, Cuba, China, or North Korea.