Electoral Information and Knowledge Irena Hadžiabdić Member of the BiH Central Election Commission
Contents Electoral Standards Regional Organisations International Organisations Sources of Electoral Knowledge and Information Innovations and modern technologies for improvements of election process Space for improvement
Electoral Standards Regional electoral standards: ... a dominant role have European, American and African standards. ... an influence of Asian and Arabs standards is also important. Globally accepted universal principles: “... are flexible and based on different constitutional practice of countries thus leaving a great deal to the judgment and traditions of individual countries...” (Venice Commission, Opinion No. 343/2005:16-17 December 2005)
Regional Organisations ...are closer and more accessible to the countries in specific region, Play special role in promotion of democratic elections, Through their Charters, promote principles and guidelines for free elections thus representing the instrument which secures protection of human rights and freedom, Have similar missions: promotion of democratic, transparent and fair elections and more professional and autonomous election administration.
International Organisations Which deal with elections: UNDP, International IDEA, IFES, EISA, The Carter Center. Organizations which organize international observation missions: UN, EU, OSCE/ODIHR, IRI, NDI, Institute of Monitoring Democracy Development, Parliamentarism and Suffrage and Protection for the Citizens of CIS member Nations.
ACE Electoral Knowledge network Centre for Electoral Reform (CETRO) Sources of Electoral Knowledge and Information ACE Electoral Knowledge network Association of European Election Officials (ACEEEO African Union Democracy and Elections Assistance Unit (DEAU) Association of Caribbean Electoral Organizations (ACEO) Global Electoral Organization (GEO) Central European Initiative (CEI) Centre for Electoral Reform (CETRO) Citizen Group on Electoral Processes (CGEP) The Electoral Reform Society The Global Commission on Elections, Democracy and Security
Innovations and modern technologies for improvements of election process Pre-election period:election planning, training, voter education ... Election Day:on-line voting, phone voting,e-voting ... Post-election period: new technologies facilitate the process of result consolidation, result reporting, post-election audit ...
Space for Improvement Establishment of mechanisms and instruments for provision of immediate and systematic support for enhancement of election process and exchange of experiences and the best practices from around the world.
Thank you for your attention! Email: irena.hadziabdic@izbori.ba www.izbori.ba