AP Human Geography Cultural Processes Unit Cockney Rhyme Slang AP Human Geography Cultural Processes Unit
For today, 11/10 Take out paper for notes. Label it “Intro to/Language Definitions” Fun FOOD Friday is tomorrow! Refrigerated? Carry around? Peanuts? Tomorrow is LAST day for Hunger Games!
What is Language? A communication that a group of people understand to have the same meaning The single most common variable by which cultural groups are identified The main means by which culture is passed down from generation to generation
Language definitions Dialect = variant form of a language Example: English in US vs. English in the UK vs. English in Australia Lingua franca = language spoken between two speaker of different languages A speaks “A” and B speaks “B” and they communicate through “C” Isogloss = boundary that separates linguistic regions Official language vs. Standard language = officially adopted by government vs. not officially adopted by government
Cockney rhyme slang How it works: 1.) Rhyming phrase is substituted for a key word (noun) 2.) The second, rhyming, part is then dropped “He’s going to the pub for a few Britneys!” (He’s going to the pub for a few beers!) “After school, I head right to my Mickey!” (After school, I head right to my house!) “Dwight K. Schrute is the biggest New I know!” (DKS is the biggest dork I know!) “Chuck Norris entered the Jacob, and the Jacob got scared!” “I always Hoover the night before Mr. Clark’s tests” “Brrr, the wind is so cold, I’m starting to Amazon!” “I’ve never felt that much Lil in my entire life!” “What’s all the Pacific about?
Cockney Rhyme Slang help: Your assignment Cockney Rhyme Slang help: http://goo.gl/GAFlhQ Create a 10 line poem that explains the importance of language in cultural studies. Each line needs to have 1 use of the Cockney Rhyme Slang – at least 10 total different uses. Decorate the rest of the page with cool, awesome pictures. Remember, the word you are substituting for is usually a two-word noun (examples from last slide listed below): Britney Spears for beers, Mickey Mouse for house New York for dork, Jacob Clark for dark