Workshop on Measuring the Transition from School to Labour Market Item 3 – Conceptual framework in the EU for the transition of youth from education to employment 11 to 14 March 2013
Structure of the presentation EU policy framework Young people on the labour market Benchmarks and data sources Europe 2020 EU Labour Force Survey (LFS) Transition from education to work Main patterns
Europe 2020 Smart growth Digital agenda for Europe Innovation Union The EU's growth strategy for the decade and its seven flagship initiatives Smart growth Digital agenda for Europe Innovation Union Youth on the move Sustainable growth Resource efficient Europe An industrial policy for the globalisation era Inclusive growth An agenda for new skills and jobs European platform against poverty
Recent policy initiatives on youth employment Youth Employment Package (2012) Council recommendation on establishing a Youth Guarantee Quality framework for traineeships A European Alliance for Apprenticeships Further efforts to improve the mobility of young workers Youth Opportunity Initiative (2011) Preventing early school leaving; Developing skills that are relevant to the labour market; Supporting a first work experience and on-the-job training; Access to the labour market: getting a (first) job.
Need for well-tailored measures Eurofound, 2012, NEETs Young people not in employment, education or training: Characteristics, costs and policy responses in Europe
Recent policy initiatives on youth employment Youth Guarantee - a specific programme for 2014-2020: ensure that all young people up to 25 receive a good-quality offer of employment, continued education, an apprenticeship or a traineeship within four months of becoming unemployed or leaving formal education.
Context: rising unemployment
High youth unemployment rates
Closer look to the 15 to 24 age group
Employment: part time or full time?
Transition towards the labour market
Statistical targets in the EU 2020 context 4 main benchmarks related to young people and their entry on the labour market: Employment rate of persons aged 20-64: By 2020, 75% of the 20-64 year-olds should be in employment Tertiary level attainment: By 2020, the share of 30-34 year olds with tertiary educational attainment should be at least 40 % Early leavers from education and training: By 2020, the share of early leavers from education and training should be less than 10 % Employment rate within three years after graduation: By 2020, the share of employed graduates (20-34 year olds) having left education and training no more than three years before the reference year should be at least 82%
Data sources EU Labour Force Survey: Since 1960, first in six countries Now: all EU countries, EFTA and candidate countries Household survey Measuring labour status and other characteristics (including education) during the reference period Quarterly and yearly releases; Monthly unemployment Data collection modes: personal interview, telephone, web Direct or proxi answering Ad-hoc modules (AHM) attached each year
Use of the LFS for measuring employment and education indicators Mainly in education at age 15-17 Either in education or in employment Many (paid) apprentices In employment from the age 18 Combination of education and employment: Employment within studies (paid trainees and apprentices) Employment to pay for studies (probably mainly part time) Employment with evening courses to improve employability NEET (Not in employment nor in education/training)
Results from the LFS Status of young people with regard to employment & education (EU27, 2009)
16% NEETs in the EU27, 2009 (age 18-24)
7.4% inactive NEETs in the EU27, 2009