The Last Shot Vocabulary
sanguine cheerfully optimistic, confident
malaise vague feeling of discomfort or unease
transient not lasting, temporary
insatiable incapable of being satisfied
euphemism substitution of a mild indirect phrase for one thought to be harsh
diplomacy skillful negotiation
astute clever; shrewd
garrulous extremely talkative
apex highest point; peak
fortitude strength in facing adversity
gratuitous unnecessary, unwarranted
enigmatic baffling, puzzling; mysterious
furtive sneaky,sly
travails troubles, trials
nonchalance cool indifference
elusive rarely seen; difficult to describe A wolf-deer??
assiduous hard-working, industrious
resolve (n) firmness of purpose
appease pacify, bring to a state of quiet, calm
auspicious promising success, favorable
panache flamboyant manner, flair
prodigy a person with extraordinary talent or ability
affable friendly, warm; likable
candor honesty
meritocracy a system in which advancements are based on ability and achievement
squalor condition of filth and misery
prolific producing in large quantities, highly productive
affluent wealthy; well-off
tenuous unstable, hanging by a thread
lucrative profitable, moneymaking