802.24 Vertical Applications TAG July 2017 Closing Report Berlin, Germany Tim Godfrey, EPRI
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> 802.24 Overview Officers TAG Chair: Tim Godfrey Secretary & TAG Vice Chair: Ben Rolfe Task Groups 802.24.1 Smart Grid TG Tim Godfrey 802.24.2 IoT TG Chris DiMinico 34 Voting Members Agenda: 24-17-0007-01-0000 Meetings for the Week Monday PM2 24.1 Nizza Tuesday PM2 24.2 Nizza Wednesday PM2 24.1 At 4:30 w/ 802.1 - ECC Room 4 - 2nd Thursday PM2 24.2 Nizza Manual attendance tracking for 802.1 & 802.3 members <author>, <company>
Agenda – 802.24-17-0016r1 Tim Godfrey, EPRI 802.24 Agenda - July 2017, Berlin, Germany 24-17-0016-01-0000 1 Monday PM2 session (Nizza) 1.1 Call session to order, present “Guidelines for IEEE SA meetings”, Quorum Godfrey 5 4:00 PM 1.2 Review of Agenda / Approval of Agenda 4:05 PM 1.3 Approve May TAG minutes 24-17-0013-00-0000 4:10 PM 1.4 Introduction/meeting objectives / Review action items from previous meeting 4:15 PM 1.5 Industry Connections and IEEE process for releasing/publishing white papers Godfrey / Goldberg 15 4:20 PM 1.6 802.24.1 Smart Grid Task Group 4:35 PM 1.7 ITU and regulatory items Godfrey/Lynch/Kennedy 10 1.8 IEEE Smart Grid Advisory Group 4:45 PM 1.9 Updating SGIP PAP2 Wireless Matrix 24-17-0004-03-sgtg 30 4:55 PM 1.10 Review of TSN Utility Use Cases 24-17-0006-03-sgtg 5:25 PM 1.11 Recess 5:55 PM 2 Tuesday PM2 session (Nizza) 2.1 Call to Order DiMinico 2.2 802.24.2 IoT Task Group business 2.3 802.24.2 Liaison Coordinator's Report Diab 20 2.4 Update from Automotive Tutorial Team 2.5 Review and plan IoT white paper development 45 4:50 PM 2.6 5:35 PM 3 Wednesday PM2 session (Meeting with 802.1 TSN) (ECC Room 4 - 2nd) 3.1 4:30 PM 3.2 Meet with 802.1 TSN on White Paper for Time Sensitive Networks for Grid Modernization Godfrey / Parsons 60 3.3 5:30 PM 4 Thursday AM2 session 802.24.2 (Estrel Hall C1) 4.1 10:30 AM 4.2 Review of P2413 draft DiMinico / Winkel 90 4.3 Adjourn TAG 12:00 PM Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Monday: 802.24 TAG Approved May minutes TAG Action Items from March: 24-17-0013-00-0000 TAG Action Items from March: Wael: Initiate Liaison with Wi-Fi Alliance IoT TG (Not Present) Tim– plan additional meeting slot for 24.2 in Berlin to discuss the P2413 draft. (done) Follow up by email to 24.2 leadership: Invite automotive tutorial team to participate. (done) Tim: Wireless Matrix: Coordinate with 802.11 to find spectral efficiency details (email exchange with Osama done, response pending) Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Coordination with Industry Connections: Regularly examine (or liaison with) IC Committee to determine if we want to be involved with any existing IC activities. Plan of action: Check in by email regularly (before plenary meetings) on status with the IC Committee Activity in Berlin: Tuesday Evening 19:00 IEEE 802 Network Enhancements Industry Connections Activity Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Publicizing White Paper Releases Develop procedure for back end of white papers – coordinate with Jonathan Goldberg Action to take up in July – propose a draft process, and get agreement from IEEE Outcome and plan: 802.24 will share completed white papers directly with Jonathan. He will request IEEE-SA Marketing, social media, Newsletters, etc as appropriate Press Releases Standards association newsletter External press releases Emulate what 802.1, 802.3 are doing External publications, conferences, etc Liaison reports to WGs Include relevant details from external liaisons Expand liaisons to 802.1 and 802.3 Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Monday 802.24.1 Smart Grid TG Tim Godfrey, EPRI
ITU and Radio Regulatory Items No regulatory items related to 802.24 currently known. Discussion Should there be new bands with new types of licensing models? Would be a good question for 802.18 to discuss. If new “unlicensed” bands were to be allocated, are there other models than what we have in ISM today? 802.24 could provide information on relationship between applications and use cases and spectrum rules as they emerge? Tim Godfrey, EPRI
IEEE Smart Grid Technical Activities Committee Since May I have joined the committee Chaired by Stefano Galli From Stefano: “Within the IEEE Smart Grid Technical Activities Committee, we are writing a White paper on smart metering. The focus of this white paper will be on the deployed comms standards, from power line, to wireless cellular to meshed networking to whatever…” Focus so far has been aligning PES communications and ITU standards. Have not been engaged with IEEE 802 Possible liaison opportunity? Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Finalize PAP2 Wireless Matrix Current Status: Latest version 802.24-17-0004r6 SEPA/SGIP Study Group has been formed for Matrix update 802.24 will provide updated data for 802 standards Will reach out to other standards’ contributors for any updates Ultimately, will be forwarded to NIST as an updated addendum to NISTIR 7761 r1 Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Notes on Editing Y23: Need to determine spectral efficiency and formula Assigned to Osama Aboul Magd in 802.11 Need to verify peak vs channel (MAC) data rates for 802.15.4 and 802.22 columns Clint P, Apurva M Refer to NISTIR 7761 for methodology Tim Godfrey, EPRI
TSN Utility Use Cases Preparation for Wednesday Joint Meeting Draft current version: 802.24-17-0006r3 Note: Wednesday meeting slot is with 802.1 TSN only No meeting in this room – Start there at 4:30pm - ECC Room 4 - 2nd Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Tuesday 802.24.2 IoT TG Note: Thursday slot for 802.24.2 review of P2413 has been moved back to this room, Nizza Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Tuesday: 802.24.2 802.24.2 Liaison Coordinator's Report Wael Diab unavailable, no report IIC Liaison Report (None) Any new liaison requests 802.24 will initiate the liaison request (Action Wael - pending) Tim Godfrey, EPRI
802.24.2 P2413 Liaison Report Relationship to 24.2 IoT White Paper Ludwig Winkel (deferred to Thursday review of P2413) Relationship to 24.2 IoT White Paper Can be use to explain to the 802 community how 802 fits into the overall IoT architecture Tim Godfrey, EPRI
802.24.2 Review and plan IoT white paper development Chris DiMinico Discussion on IoT White Paper Draft Contributions towards IoT White Paper Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Wednesday 802.24.1 Smart Grid TG 802.1 TSN Joint Working Session Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Teleconference Review Teleconference notes: 802.24-17-0015r1 Actions Leads for developing text contributions: Janos Farkas – section on “Describe how TSN works” Maik Seewald – section on “Understand IEC 61850 activities and relationships” Karl Weber – section on DER and stabilizing networks with reactive power control. Rodney Cummings – “how TSN features make use of time sync protocols” Next Steps Tim will post these slides and outline document update (r3). Update to email reflector Post text contributions for 802.1 and 802.24 (mentor) Integrate contributions during July meeting. Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Content for TSN white paper Version after Teleconference 802.24-17-0006r3 Version after 802.24 editing Monday 802.24-17-0006r7 IETF DETNET use cases document suggested by Ludwig Winkel https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-detnet-use-cases-12 Document contribution from Norm Finn http://ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2017/tsn-finn-tsn-detnet-whitepaper-0717-v00.pdf Document contribution from Rodney Cummings TBD Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Next Steps Discuss with Norm how to incorporate content from his document Review IETF DetNet use cases – incorporate as appropriate Coordination this week (Thursday afternoon or Friday mid day) 802.1 Closing plenary ends at 5-6. Plan teleconference before November plenary Avoid 1588 teleconferences Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Thursday 802.24.2 IoT TG P2413 Review Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Review of P2413 Draft Key points for 802.24 Relationships to IEEE 802 standards Opportunities for feedback to 802 WGs Opportunities for feedback to P2413 Impact on 802.24 IoT White Paper P2413 Liaison not available Re-schedule for future meeting P2413 Draft Availability for review Establish private area for 802.24 members Tim Godfrey, EPRI
802.24 TAG closing Action Items from this meeting Plans for September Today (afternoon) ad-hoc editing of TSN White Paper w/802.1 Plan TSN teleconference (October) Coordinate with Wael on Wi-Fi Alliance Liaison Review IoT MSGT Use Case Document (Henry Chiarelli) Plans for September 802.24.1 will meet for one slot Tim Godfrey will not be attending Ben Rolfe will Chair Any New Business? Tim Godfrey, EPRI