The 1936 Election and the 2nd New Deal
1936 Election Republicans nominated Alf Landon from Kansas Democrats renominated Roosevelt Roosevelt won big Popular Vote Electoral college Roosevelt 27,751,000 523 Landon 16,697,000 8
Second New Deal – a new round of reforms WPA – Works Progress Administration Spent $11 Billion to give jobs to over 8 million workers Many projects built parks, airports, roads, and public buildings Also hired professionals they hired photographers, historians, artists, archaeologists Post office murals, slave narratives, and Angel Mounds were all done by the WPA
Helping the Young People NYA – National Youth Administration Created jobs and provided education, counseling, and recreation for young people Built Helfrich Park Pool House
Workers and Old People Wager Act Protected collective bargaining and the worker’s right to join labor unions Set up the National Labor Relations Board Social Security Act Created old age insurance for folks 65 and older Provided Unemployment insurance Gave Aid to families with dependent Children and the Disabled
Fighting the Court Supreme court The Supreme Court was striking down New Deal legislation because it was unconstitutional. Roosevelt wanted to “reform” the court in 1937. Wanted to reorganize the federal judiciary. Wanted to add 6 more justices to the Supreme Court. Critics called this “Court Packing” because he was going to add 6 friendly justices to override his enemies.
Culture in the 1930’s Movies are very popular in the 1930’s Gave people an escape for reality of the day popular movies focused on “good old days”, fantasies, and comedy Gone with the Wind, Snow White, and Monkey Business
Art of the Era Depression Era Art Many murals were painted by the WPA’s Fed. Art Project The murals often hung in public places Their themes included glorification of the common man, glorification of history, and glorification of American values