Making a Phone Call. Vocabulary pay phone public phone cell phone mobile phone.


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Presentation transcript:

Making a Phone Call

Vocabulary pay phone public phone cell phone mobile phone

Vocabulary cordless handset web phone

Vocabulary Power dock Power adaptor

Vocabulary text message/text messaging/TM messenger/instant messaging Internet telephone/Internet telephoning

Vocabulary country code 886 area code 03 telephone number

Vocabulary phone booth telephone card, calling card telephone bill

Vocabulary to be busy busy signal ring tone on the phone du…du….du….du… ling…ling…ling…

Vocabulary to make a phone call to answer a phone call to call back to contact to dial to push / to press Phone Dial Pad

Expressions May I speak to …? Just a moment, please. Hold on, please. Who is speaking? Who am I talking to? Whos this? Yes, speaking.

Expressions May I leave a message? Can I take a message? Would you like to leave a message? Leave your message after the beep. Let me put you through. Please tell her to call back. Youve got the wrong number.

Skit 1 Jack and Jill (college students) talk about their day and then Jack tries to ask Jill out for coffee.

Skit 1 Jack: Hello, is this Jill? Jill: Hi, this is her. Who is speaking? Jack: Hi Jill, this is Jack from your Chemistry class. How are you doing? Jill: Oh, Hi Jack, I am doing well. What's going on?

Skit 1 Jack: The usual. I was just calling to see how your day went. Jill: It was a very busy day for me. I had to take two quizzes and then participate in volleyball practice after classes for two hours.

Skit 1 Jack: Wow, it sounds like you are very active. How do you find time to do homework? Jill: I often have to stay up very late to get my studying done. This semester has been very stressful, I can't wait until winter break.

Skit 1 Jack: Winter break is a long wait. Why don't we have a coffee break right now? Jill: Hmmm, sounds tempting, but I have a lot to do. Jack: Oh really… taking a break and caffeine will help you to concentrate better. We won't spend more than 15 minutes chatting ok? Jill: You are right, I could use a break and a warm latte. Maybe you can help me with my chemistry homework afterwards.

Skit 1 Jack: Of course I can, I finished it yesterday. Great, I'll see you soon then. Don't be late! Jill: Ok, call me when you get there. Bye-bye.

Skit 2 Bob calls Jane's house, but she is not there. Instead, he speaks to John.

Skit 2 Bob: Hello, is Jane there? John: Hi, no she's not. May I ask who is speaking? Bob: My name is Bob, and I met Jane last night at the art gallery. She told me to give her a call. John: Well, my name is John, and I am her boyfriend. Do you want to leave her a message?

Skit 2 Bob: Oh, I didn't know she had a boyfriend. Just tell her that Bob from the art gallery called. John: Sure, no problem. I'll let her know you called (rolls eyes). Take care. Bob: Thank you, goodbye. (hangs up) John: Hmmm, I am going to have to talk to Jane about Bob.