Upper air Meteorological charts
European radiosonde stations (launch 00 and 12 UTC) Vaisala RS80 Vaisala RS92 European radiosonde stations (launch 00 and 12 UTC) Launching a radiosonde Data available from: http://weather.uwyo.edu/upperair/sounding.html
Upper air Radiosondes measure vertical profiles of temperature, pressure, humidity and wind
Upper air Radiosondes measure vertical profiles of temperature, pressure, humidity and wind Satellites measure similar profiles but with lower resolution
Upper air Radiosondes measure vertical profiles of temperature, pressure, humidity and wind Satellites measure similar profiles but with lower resolution When assimilated into a model, these measurements allow us to construct a chart at any height in the atmosphere
Upper air Radiosondes measure vertical profiles of temperature, pressure, humidity and wind Satellites measure similar profiles but with lower resolution When assimilated into a model, these measurements allow us to construct a chart at any height in the atmosphere By convention these charts are drawn at constant pressure rather than height
500 mb and thickness chart White lines: surface pressure, mb Colours denote the thickness of the layer of atmosphere between 1000 and 500 mb. It is proportional to the mean temperature of this layer. So blue is cold air, red is hot air Black lines: height of 500 mb surface, in dekametres (tens of m)
Wind barbs Wind is in knots – 1 knot = 0.5 ms-1. The arrow points along the wind direction. This symbol is called a wind barb.
Surface chart. Note how winds at sea tend to follow isobars (we will met this geostrophic relationship later
300 mb, ~ 9 km 700 mb, ~ 3 km Smoother patterns than at the surface; fronts not marked on these charts 700 and 300 mb charts show a similar pattern – synoptic scale features are generally coherent throughout the troposphere. That is, vertical scale of synoptic-scale features ~ 10 km Winds closer to geostrophic over land – no surface friction Very strong winds at 300 mb denote the jet stream. Jet stream is related to fronts, either at the surface or in the upper troposphere.