Facts and Figures Unit 2 Lesson 2 WHY DO PEOPLE LAUGH?
Words to Learn USEFUL EXPRESSIONS Underline the words you do not know. WORDS TO LEARN club connect equal medicine natural naturally, pretend pretend: relax: soon together: well USEFUL EXPRESSIONS get together 17 times a day a lot of laughter laughter clubs stretch hands laugh naturally in your body ten minutes of running breath deeply hard questions in a group connect to the other people part of a group
laughter /ˈlɑːftər/ noun [U] the sound or act of laughing I heard the sound of laughter in the room next door.
pretend /prɪˈtend/ verb behave as if something is true when it is not She‘s not really hurt - she's only pretending. I don't think he's asleep - I think he's just pretending.
naturally /ˈnætʃərəli/ FROM BIRTH; normal manner. having been born with a characteristic aggressive/funny/slim My hair is naturally curly. Swimming comes naturally to a fish.
well /wel/ adjective [never before noun] better, healthy feel/look well Are you feeling better now? No, I'm not very well. Did you sleep well? James reads very well. All the team played very well today. The picnic went very well.
equal /ˈiːkwəl/ adjective/verb Adj. the same in amount, number, or size The sides are of equal length. One metre is equal to 39.37 inches. Verb. SAME to have the same value, size, etc as something else, often shown using a symbol Two plus two equals four.
TEXT ANALYZING Listen and repeat exercises. Reading laudly. Understand the text -- Underline the verbs (Use pink colour) -- Circle plural words (Use blue color) -- Underline two times the words you do not know. -- Highlight good expressions. (Use brown color)
QUESTIONS: Question Based Education – LEARN DEEPLY Do people laugh every day? How many times do people laugh a day? How many laughter clubs are there in India? When do people get together in laughter clubs? At a laughter club, what do people do first? What do people feel after laughing together? What do scientists think about laughing? How do you breathe while laughing? What makes you when you breathe deeply? Do you people laugh in a group or alone. What do English people say about laughing? What do you think about laughing? What is your opinion about laughing?
Assignment - Assessment Learn all vocabulary. Listen to the text 10 times while reading, and listen to the same text 10 times without reading. Then record your voice while reading. Undersand the text deeply (TEXT ANALYZING) Write the text on the right of your notebook, then analyze it on the left... .. verbs, tense, plural nouns, - my favourite sentence, good expressions, words to learn 6. Summarize the text
Extra Activity General question about laughing. Cloze test
a) Relax Hard Exercise Clubs Medicine Laugh Well Connect Pretend Soon, naturally equals B) Pretend Relax Equals Connect Exercise Well natural Medicine Clubs Hard Soon USEFUL EXPRESSIONS Make me happy Breath deeply
c) c B C A Tired Sleep cool /kuːl/ slightly cold, but not too cold
ASSIGNMENT Make a sentence with the given expressions get together 17 times a day a lot of laughter laughter clubs stretch hands laugh naturally in your body ten minutes of running breath deeply hard question in a group connect to the other people part of a group