Forecasting-related conference sessions at EGU2012 and FloodRisk2012 28 november 2018 Forecasting-related conference sessions at EGU2012 and FloodRisk2012 Jan Verkade Introduction I would like to take the oportunity to draw your attention to a number of conference sessions at EGU2012 and FloodRisk2012 that may be of interest to the forecasting community.
EGU2012 2012 GA of the European Geosciences Union 28 november 2018 EGU2012 2012 GA of the European Geosciences Union April 22-27, Vienna, Austria Deadline for abstract submission: mid January Forecasting related conferences November 3, 2011
EGU2012: Sessions co-organised by Deltares staff 28 november 2018 EGU2012: Sessions co-organised by Deltares staff “Hydrological forecasting: challenges in uncertainty estimation, data assimilation, post-processing and decision-making” (HS4.2) Albrecht Weerts Uncertainty propagation in meteorological-hydrological forecasting. Measures of performance of probability-based hydrological forecasts Assessment and use of predictive uncertainty for decision-making under uncertainty. Forecasting related conferences November 3, 2011
EGU2012: Sessions co-organised by Deltares staff 28 november 2018 EGU2012: Sessions co-organised by Deltares staff “Linking advances in hydrological forecasting with real-time control techniques” (HS4.5) Albrecht Weerts, Dirk Schwanenberg “…addresses advances in hydrological forecasting and real-time control” “… e.g. flow regulation through retention or extraction.” Forecasting related conferences November 3, 2011
EGU2012: Sessions co-organised by Deltares staff 28 november 2018 EGU2012: Sessions co-organised by Deltares staff “Drought, Water Scarcity and Food Security: Monitoring, mitigation & adaptation” (HS5.4) Micha Werner drought monitoring and the use of drought forecasts drought adaptation strategies improved ways of communicating forecast uncertainty use of ground-based hydrological data and remotely-sensed data in real-time forecasting, and account for their uncertainty. preparing meteorological predictions as input to real-time hydrological probability forecasts Forecasting related conferences November 3, 2011
EGU2012: Sessions co-organised by Deltares staff 28 november 2018 EGU2012: Sessions co-organised by Deltares staff The value of prediction in hydrological sciences and policy (HS4.6) Jan Verkade, Hessel Winsemius, Marjolijn Haasnoot ? the use of hydrological “predictions” in policy and decision-making different requirements to “predictions” in science and policy all spatial and temporal scales e.g. flood forecasting, water resources management, climatic change Forecasting related conferences November 3, 2011
FLOODrisk 2012 November 20-22, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Same week as 2012 Delft-FEWS user days Deadline for abstracts: end of November 2011 flood risk analysis and innovations in flood risk mgt practice all aspects of flood risk: causes and impacts including one session dedicated to flood forecasting, chaired by Deltares staff Forecasting related conferences November 3, 2011
Links EGU2012: FloodRisk 2012: This presentation: Forecasting related conferences November 3, 2011