Your Support Plan
It begins with a SMART goal Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-Bound How will you define success for your change initiative?
If you can’t measure it, you don’t know if you are winning or losing the change effort. Improve our process for creating new units Design a training conference for this fall Launch a church-wide teaching campaign 90% of teachers will attend the annual training event We will enlist and train 10 new teachers by January 1, 2019 The retention rate for new members will increase by 20% by December 31, 2019 We will start 5 new units by August 15, 2018 Measurement and assessment requires time and most of us would say we have too little margin already to add SMART goals and measurement to the mix. However, assessments make your work more productive by focusing in on the things that matter the most.
What is your SMART goal?
Key 1: Relate Who will be on your personal board of directors?
Key 2: Repeat What resources, training, and assistance would you like the BGCT to provide?
Key 3: Reframe What old perspectives do you need help in changing?