Complete the following columns on the “Articles of Confederation” Article Review: Knowledge Rating Chart: Review words in first column Using the scale at the top of the page (1-4) complete the Rating Before Reading column indicating any prior knowledge you have of the word Complete the What I Think It Means column with your best guess at a definition for each word *Please DO NOT turn this rating chart in until the conclusion of the close reading activity tomorrow!
4 = I know this so well I could teach it to my classmates. Articles of Confederation Close Reading: Knowledge Rating Chart: Indicate your understanding of each term using the following scale. 4 = I know this so well I could teach it to my classmates. 3 = I know it well enough to understand it in context but need a little review. 2 = I have seen / heard it before but I’m not 100% sure of its meaning 1 = I do not know this word . WORD RATING BEFORE RATING AFTER WHAT I THINK IT MEANS ADDITIONAL INFORMAITON ABOUT THE WORD MEANING OF THE WORD SOVEREIGN FEDERATION LEVY PROVISIONS RATIFICATION ARBITRATE
Do Now: Analyze the 2 pictures. What do you notice about each? What do they have in common? What conclusions can you draw about the subjects of each?
Articles of Confederation Vocabulary: sovereign = self-ruling, independent levy = to make or place upon ratification = to adopt or approve federation = uniting as a country provisions = details, specific key points arbitrate = judge over a disagreement
First Read: What is the central idea of the article? Listen and follow along with the article being read, and be ready to answer the following questions afterward: What is the central idea of the article?
Second Read: Read paragraphs 2-3 on your own and complete the following: According to the text, how did the colonists’ fear of Great Britain affect the Articles of Confederation?
Discussion: The author notes in the article that “the Articles deliberately established a confederation of sovereign states, carefully specifying the limited functions of the federal government.” Why were they so careful with establishing the powers of the federal government?
Third Read: Read paragraph 4 on your own and complete the following: According to the article, what was a concern of small states? According to the article, what was a concern of large states?
Discussion: The author notes that “…small (populated) states wanted equal representation with the large (populated) states…” 1. Is equal representation, regardless of population, fair to all states?
Fourth Read: Read paragraphs 9-10 and complete the following: According to the article, how was the government set up? 2. According to the article, what were the provisions of the Articles of Confederation?
Discussion: What differences do you notice between the Articles of Confederation government and today’s government?
Fifth Read: Read paragraph 11 on your own and complete the following: According to the article, how did the Articles keep national government from governing effectively?
Discussion: How did the weakness in the Articles lead to it’s failure?
Summary: Choose one weakness of the AofC government and revise it to make it a strength for the national government. inability to regulate trade could not levy taxes could not pass laws without votes of 9 of 13 states could not force states to do anything without their consent Please be sure you use 2-3 of the vocabulary terms in your summary.