The Axial Skeleton Study Guide
right side of the skull Coronal suture Frontal bone Sphenoid bone Parietal bone Sphenoid bone Squamous suture Ethmoid bone Lambdoid suture Lacrimal bone Lacrimal fossa Occipital bone Nasal bone Temporal bone Zygomatic process Zygomatic bone Maxilla External acoustic meatus Mastoid process Styloid process Mandible Condylar process Mental foramen Mandibular notch Mandibular ramus Coronoid process Mandibular angle 2
right side of the skull 3
Superior orbital fissure Frontal bone Parietal bone Supraorbital foramen Nasal bone Sphenoid bone Superior orbital fissure Temporal bone Optic canal Ethmoid bone Inferior orbital fissure Lacrimal bone Zygomatic bone Infraorbital foramen Maxilla Vomer Mandible Mental foramen 4
External occipital protuberance Parietal bone Sagittal suture Lambdoid suture Occipital bone Superior nuchal line External occipital protuberance Inferior nuchal line Occipital condyle 6
Maxilla Hard palate Palatine bone Infraorbital foramen Maxilla Zygomatic bone Sphenoid bone Vomer zygomatic process External acoustic meatus Styloid process Mastoid process Temporal bone Jugular foramen Occipital condyle Occipital bone External occipital protuberance Foramen magnum Inferior view of the skull (mandible removed) 8
Inferior view of the skull (mandible removed) 9
The Holes in the Head Optic foramen Optic fissure Foramen rotundum Foramen ovale Foramen spinosum Foramen lacerum Internal acoustic meatus Jugular foramen Hypoglossal canal Foramen magnum ▲
Internal acoustic meatus Crista galli View Ethmoid bone Cribriform plate Frontal bone Lesser wing Optic canal Sphenoid Greater wing Foramen rotundum sella turcica Foramen ovale Foramen spinosum Foramen lacerum Temporal bone Internal acoustic meatus Jugular foramen Hypoglossal canal Parietal bone Occipital bone Foramen magnum Superior view of the skull, calvaria removed 11
Superior view of the skull, calvaria removed 12
13 Parietal bone Coronal suture Frontal bone Sphenoid bone Squamous suture Temporal bone Crista galli Lambdoid suture Nasal bone Occipital bone Ethmoid bone Vomer External occipital protuberance Maxilla Internal acoustic meatus Mandible Mandibular foramen Palatine bone Midsagittal section showing the internal anatomy of the left half of skull 13
Midsagittal section showing the internal anatomy of the left half of skull 14
Mandible Temporomandibular joint Coronoid process Mandibular notch Condylar process Mandibular foramen Ramus of mandible Mental foramen Mandibular angle Body of mandible Mandible, right lateral view 15
Mandible Mandible, right lateral view 16
IX. Structure of a Vertebra Posterior Lamina Spinous process Transverse process Superior articular process and facet Vertebral foramen Pedicle Body Anterior 17
Posterior Anterior 18
Anterior view Posterior view 19
Sacral promontory Body Sacral canal Facet of superior articular process Ala Body of first sacral vertebra Auricular surface Median sacral crest Lateral sacral crest Transverse ridges (sites of vertebral fusion) Posterior sacral foramina Anterior sacral foramina Apex Sacral hiatus Coccyx Coccyx Anterior view Posterior view 20
XIII. Thoracic Cage 21 Jugular notch Clavicular notch Manubrium Sternal angle Body Sternum True ribs (17) Xiphoid process False ribs (812) Costal cartilage L1 Vertebra Floating ribs (11, 12) 21
XIII. Thoracic Cage L1 Vertebra 22
Superior costal facet (for head of rib) Angle of rib Body of vertebra Head of rib Intervertebral disc Neck of rib Tubercle of rib Shaft Sternum Cross- section of rib Costal cartilage Vertebral and sternal articulations of a typical true rib 23
Vertebral and sternal articulations of a typical true rib Sternum Cross- section of rib Vertebral and sternal articulations of a typical true rib 24
Articular facet on tubercle of rib Spinous process Figure 7.25c Ribs. Articular facet on tubercle of rib Spinous process Shaft Transverse costal facet (for tubercle of rib) Ligaments Neck of rib Body of thoracic vertebra Head of rib Superior view of the articulation between a rib and a thoracic vertebra 25
Figure 7.25c Ribs. Superior view of the articulation between a rib and a thoracic vertebra 26