Polk Elementary Staff Development August 8, 2017
Exit Ticket Feedback
•1. Write your name in the middle of the name badge (use a marker) •2. Write your hometown (where you’re from) under your name (small print) •3. Top right corner put your job title and number of years in education •4. Top Left corner – write an adjective that describes you using the first letter of your first name (example: Awesome Alicia) •5. Bottom right corner – favorite vacation place 6. Bottom left corner – Pet Peeve (something that irritates you) NAME BADGE ACTIVITY
Know your WHY...
PLC Norms
Develop your norms and violation of norms: As a team, agree on no more than five norms (less is more!) As a team, agree on action steps for responding when someone on the team is not following the norms. Record both on your Norms Template.
Tara & Alicia’s Norms Be on time and prepared Be open and honest with each other Be dependable Be flexible If one of us is in violation of our norms, we will: Respectfully address the issue/concern with each other Hold each other accountable
Team Roles
Facilitator Sends out the agenda before the meeting Reviews norms Makes sure the goal for the meeting is met Reviews “to do” list Facilitator
Recorder Types in notes on the agenda during the meeting Shares the notes with everyone after the meeting Recorder
Time Keeper Calls the meeting to start and end Keeps the meeting on track and alerts when it’s time to move on Time Keeper
Data & Assessment Specialist(s) Makes sure everyone is bringing their classroom assessment data to review in the meeting Helps keep track of the team data Keeps the data organized in a binder and/or Google sheet Data & Assessment Specialist(s)
Decide on your Team Roles Decide and record your PLC team meeting roles. Everyone must have an assigned role: Facilitator Time Keeper Recorder Data/Assessment Specialist (on teams of five, can have two)
Your Team SMART Goals
Why do we need team goals? Listen to Becky DuFour talk about setting goals SMART Goal Review Why do we need team goals?
Campus Goals SET BY BISD EVALUATED BY BISD 3rd, 4th - STAAR 90% or better across the board K, 1st, 2nd - 82% reading on grade level by EOY 2017-2018
Campus Goals SET BY BISD EVALUATED BY BISD Embedded, sustained PLC’s on campus (rubric) Embedded, sustained RTI on campus (rubric) 2017-2018
Campus Goals SET BY BISD EVALUATED BY BISD 95% staff attendance rate (rate at EOY included on Polk’s evaluation) 2017-2018
Create a SMART Goal for your PLC Team Strategic Measurable Attainable Results Oriented Time Bound MUST BE DIRECTLY RELATED TO A CAMPUS GOAL Create a SMART Goal for your PLC Team Use this form
Break Time 15 minutes
The Four Essential Questions Game: With your team, write down the four PLC essential questions...no cheating!
ANSWERS What do we want students to know? How will we know they learned it? What will we respond when they don’t? What will we do when they already know it? If you got these all correct, your team will receive a prize!
Take-aways from staff who attended Mayberry/Ellisor PLC Conference Take-aways from staff who attended Mayberry/Ellisor
What do we want students to learn? Polk Essential Outcomes
Review your Essential Outcomes Together, review your Essential Outcomes for the core subjects for your grade level. Discuss with your team: Are they still relevant? Do we need to add or take away anything, based on standards? Music/PE/Library/Guidance - add your Essential Outcomes for your grade levels Polk Essential Outcomes
Learning Targets for Each Unit See Elizabeth Eikmeier’s example
Let’s create learning targets for one unit Look at the first unit of study for the subject you plan for your team. Create learning targets for that unit. What kind of formative/summative assessment would you use to measure progress on that target? Discuss with your team. Share examples. Let’s create learning targets for one unit
How will we know they learned it? Formative and Summative Assessments
What is a formative assessment?
What is a summative assessment?
Your grade level assessments With your team, develop a list of resources you use for: Formative Assessments Summative Assessments ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies posters Place stickies on the T-Charts
How will we respond when they don’t learn it? RTI
When they don’t master it the first time. Reteach/Reassess Grade level teachers During RtI time and/or during Guided Reading/Guided Math small group (teacher time) Can change from standard to standard T2 RtI When they don’t master it the first time. Reteach/Reassess
For students who are multiple grade levels behind Interventions for a 9-12 weeks: TEMI/LLI/Redbird provided by Reed, Stansel, Hatthorn, Chapa, Marquez, Rudkin Multiple grade levels behind Progress monitor to see if student is responding to T3 intervention T3 RtI For students who are multiple grade levels behind
One hour daily In class room Think about this: What is our GRADE LEVEL plan for RtI? All students will be in classroom Panda Time except for T3 pull out, Dyslexic, SpEd, and ESL. Panda Time One hour daily In class room
Questions for your PLC to consider: How will we decide which intervention is needed? How will we track that data? What will we do in our Panda Time in our classroom? How will we share intervention time? Panda Time Questions for your PLC to consider:
What will we do if they already know it? Enrich/Extend
Questions to consider as a grade level PLC: What we we do to differentiate for our students who already get it? Panda Time Questions to consider as a grade level PLC:
Lunch Time Enjoy!
Reinhardt’s Data Binder
Model PLC/DuFour Award
Break Out Sessions Come back at 3:30 p.m. 1:30-2:30 Guided Reading - Library with Piper Guided Math - Mayberry’s Room PK/PPCD/Life Skills - Classrooms Specials - Classrooms Intervention - Tech Lab 2:30 SpEd Gen Ed - PLC room Break Out Sessions Come back at 3:30 p.m.
Reflections Exit Ticket