Multiplying Fractions
Math POD 1 3 + − 6 10 = −8 30 = −4 15
Multiplying Fractions Go to your foldable on page 14 in your spiral notebook. (some of you haven’t glue in the green booklet… that’s what you need out. You have watched the video, so let’s fill out our notes.
Multiplying Fractions We can multiply fractions with any denominator. (Yay! No common denominators needed!) So here are the steps: Multiply the numerators. Multiply the denominators. Simplify, if possible. ***Remember: INTEGER RULES STILL APPLY! When multiplying fractions, all you need to do is multiply straight across the top and bottom.
Example Time! 3 4 ∙ 1 3 = 3 12 = 1 4 − 5 7 ∙ 1 4 =− 5 28 −2 3 ∙ −1 12 = 2 36 = 1 18
Dividing Fractions
***KEEP, SWITCH, FLIP*** Diving Fractions We can divide fractions by rewriting as a multiplication problem. (Still no common denominators needed!) So here are the steps: The first fraction keeps. Division becomes multiplication. FLIP. (Take the reciprocal of ) the second fraction Follow the rules for multiplication. ***Remember: INTEGER RULES STILL APPLY! ***KEEP, SWITCH, FLIP***
Example Time! - 3 7 ÷ 1 3 = - 3 7 ∙ 3 1 =− 9 7 or −1 2 7 −2 3 ÷ −1 12 = −2 3 ∙ 12 −1 = −24 −3 =8
Here’s an extra cheesy video that sums everything up for you
Math Achievement POD Find the volume of each shape. Answer: 𝑉=𝜋 𝑟 2 ℎ 𝑉= 3.14 2 2 6 𝑉=75.36 𝑚𝑚 3 𝑉=𝑙𝑤ℎ 𝑉= 5 5 5 𝑉=125 𝑦𝑑 3