Anglican Medical and Community Services Elder Care: 14 Centres (Community Hospital, Nursing Homes, Senior Care Centres, Senior Centres, Cluster Operator) – 1 more nursing home in 2019 Mental Health: 7 Anglican Care Centres Autism: 1 Autism School and 1 Day Activity Centre – 1 Adult Autism Home in 2019 Other Servies: Student Care, Crisis Shelter, Mission to Seafarers
Singapore Mental Health Study 2010 Prevalence is 12% (1 in 8 people). Top three: Major Depressive Disorder (1 in 17), Alcohol Abuse (1 in 32), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (1 in 33). Others: Stress, Insomnia, Anxiety, Psychosis. Co- suffering chronic physical illnesses (50%). Majority not seeking help. Professional help only after much delay. Social stigma. High economic and social cost.
1. There is only a fine line between Mental Health and Illness
2. There is hope for people with Mental Health Challenges
3. We can play a big part: Judge less, care more (both self and others)