Renewable Fuels
How do you get energy?
How do you get energy?
What are some foods and drinks that give you energy?
What foods or drinks give you more energy than others?
What foods or drinks give you more energy than others?
How do planes, cars, and boats get energy?
How do planes, cars, and boats get energy?
What is this?
How does the train get energy to move?
How does the train get energy from coal?
Wind Turbines
What is this?
Where have you seen these before?
How does it work?
How does it work?
What are these?
Where have you seen these before?
How do these work?
How do these work?
Energy Efficiency
When it is cold outside, how do you keep warm?
Do you wear more clothes in the winter or in the summer?
What keeps your home warm in the winter?
Putting It All Together What do all these topics have in common? Why might renewable energy be important?
Putting It All Together Why is wind a better energy source than coal? What other types of fuel can we use to power planes, trains, and cars? Why does it matter what our homes are made of?