Poetry Unit
Musical Devices Alliteration: Repetition of initial, stressed consonant sounds. Ex) “We saw the sea sound sing, we heard the salt sheet tell,” Consonance: Repetition of consonant sounds anywhere in the word. Ex) Bring back the black jacket.
Musical Devices Assonance: The repetition of vowel sounds. Ex.) “And shout into the ridges of the wind.” Dissonance: Disruption of harmonic sounds/ harsh sounds done for effect. Ex.) ”Why? That my chaff might fly; my grain lie, sheer and clear. Nay in all that toil, that coil, since (seems) I kissed the rod,”
Onomatopoeia: Sound of a word imitates its sense. Musical Devices Onomatopoeia: Sound of a word imitates its sense. Ex.) “Hiss” or “Buzz” Refrain: A phrase or line repeated at intervals within a poem. Ex.) “Do not go gentle into that good night”