SA2002 Test conditions: V out0= 4.7 V out1= 5 V I out 0/1= 1.9 A
SA2002 transformer primary voltage 6Kgauss 7Kgauss 0Kgauss 4Kgauss 5Kgauss 20usec/div 20V/div 60V -20V
Voltage rise time 0KGauss 2KGauss 4KGauss 5KGauss 6KGauss 7KGauss 60V 200nsec/Div -20V 60V 20V/Div 0KGauss 2KGauss 4KGauss 5KGauss 6KGauss 7KGauss 200ns 180ns 120ns 100ns 80ns 70ns
Voltage fall time 0KGauss 2KGauss 4KGauss 5KGauss 6KGauss 7KGauss 60V 200nsec/Div -20V 60V 20V/Div 0KGauss 2KGauss 4KGauss 5KGauss 6KGauss 7KGauss 200ns 150ns 110ns 90ns 50ns 80ns
Effect Rise time and fall time reduction Cause Magnetization current increment: it takes less time to charge and discharge the circuit’s capacitors.
Switch Current SA2002 (measured on 0.5 Ohm resistor) 0KGauss 1KGauss 2KGauss 3KGauss 5KGauss 6KGauss 4KGauss 1A 2A/div 7KGauss -6A 1usec/div 2usec/div 6A 2.7A 2.8A 3A 3.4A 3.8A 4A 4.4A 4.5A -0.6A -0.8A -1.2A -2.1A -3A -3.2A -4A -4.4A
Effect Current peak-to-peak value increment Cause - reduction of the transformer inductance with the subsequent increment of the magnetization current and of the stored energy. (a 70% reduction of the transformer primary’s inductance has been estimated via computer simulations) - reduction of the primary-secondary coupling
SA2002-RIPPLE-2KG <5mV
SA2002-RIPPLE-4KG <5mV
Ripple values did not change remarkably during tests
SA2003 Test conditions: voltage = 3 V Iout = 20 mA
SA2003 voltage on the transformer primary 5Kgauss 6Kgauss 0Kgauss 2Kgauss 4Kgauss 5usec/div 20V/div 60V -20V 7Kgauss
SA2001 Test conditions: Vout = 8KV Rload =12M Ohm
SA2001 voltage on the transformer primary 2usec/div 5Kgauss 6Kgauss 0Kgauss 2Kgauss 4Kgauss 7Kgauss 10V/div
Average current absorbed by the primary measured on a 1.1 Ohm load 2KGauss 4KGauss 180mA/Div 342mA 500mA
Vout 12KV Rload 12M Ohm
SA2001 voltage on the transformer primary 5KGauss
Effects Accentuation of the two peaks in the transformer drive dead times. Primary current increment Cause Reduction of the transformer magnetization inductance with appearance of resonance phenomena.