Mr Provost Rm 2403 Physical Science Welcome
Physical Science Instructor: Michael Provost; 2403 Science Lab (352) 797-7015 Extension 268 Course Description: The first half of this course covers basic concepts of Physics including the study of Motion, Forces, Energy, and Waves. The second half of the course covers basic concepts of Chemistry including the study of Matter, Chemical Reactions, and the basic application of Chemistry. Lab activities will be integrated into the content through hands-on activities and virtual simulations.
Physical Science Class Introductions Partner Activity: Choose a partner that you don’t know very well or at all. You will each have a minute to tell a little about each other. On a piece of paper record a few basic facts about your partner and be prepared to read it out loud to the class. At the very least include the person’s name, place of birth and at least one interesting thing about this person.
Why is Science class required??? Technology is everywhere The older generation is retiring Technology makes our lives easier
Grading Policy HW 10% CW / Note book 25% Quiz / Lab 25% Test 40% **Please modify syllabus** Grading Policy
Behavior Expectations Be Motivated Be Respectful Be Honest
Be Motivated Expectation #1 FIND YOUR MOTIVATION! Being self-motivated is one of the most profound barriers to success that American teenagers face in today’s society. A motivated person has focus and is able to accomplish short and long term goals. A motivated person has a strong work ethic and takes pride in his/ her work. FIND YOUR MOTIVATION!
** Most students who get behind, do it in their 9th grade year** Did you know ??? 24 Credits are needed to graduate from high school but only… 24 credits are on your schedule from 9th through 12th Grade ** Most students who get behind, do it in their 9th grade year**
Be Respectful Expectation #2 Respecting yourself and others is a key to success. Respectful behavior would include speaking appropriately to/ about school staff or peers, refraining from physical or emotional abuse, keeping your word to yourself and to others, and refraining from sleeping or texting in class.
Be Respectful Expectation #2 Respect is a two-way street… Continued… Respect is a two-way street… People will not remember many specifics about you, but they will always remember how you made them feel. Many people abuse substances to cope with the guilt of not being respectful to themselves.
Why is graduating from high school so important??? Budgeting Activity Oprah Story More cost efficient to our society
The Story of… Teddy Stoddard
Be Honest Expectation #3 Honesty to yourself and to others is crucial in life. Examples include not lying or cheating yourself or to others, not blaming others for your own choices, and not stealing items.
Classroom Expectations & Procedures
Daily Academic Procedures Essential Questions (EQ): Essential Questions are the main ideas of a lesson. Students are expected to write the EQ in their lab notebook each day and the answer to the previous day’s EQ. A 9-week test grade will be given for proper recording of EQ’’ and their answers in the lab notebook.
Daily Academic Procedures Do- Nows: Do- Nows are short assignments that are related directly to they day’s lesson. Many times the writing the EQ will be part of the Do Now for the day. In addition students will be asked to read section summaries or other short activities. Do Nows usually will take less than 10 minutes to complete.
Daily Academic Procedures Agenda: The Daily Agenda is a sequential list of activities that will take place that day during the lesson. The agenda may extend into a second day if the lesson activities are planned to take two days.
Discipline Policy- Minor Offenses Step 1- Verbal Warning- The teacher will let the student know that they are breaking a rule and politely ask them to stop. This will usually occur in private and in a respectful manner. Step 2- Seat Change- The teacher will ask the student to collect materials and move to one of the two assigned “time out” areas in the class. After an adequate amount of time and if the student is acting in a positive manner, the teacher will allow the student to return to assigned seat. Step 3- Phone Call Home/ Lunch or After School Detention, Parent Conference- After a seat change if the inappropriate behavior continues to disrupt the class, the teacher may elect to call the student’s parents at home and/or schedule the student for an after school detention. Step 4- Removal from class and/or Discipline Referral- As a last resort, a student who is continuously disrupting the classroom and impeding the educational process will be removed from the classroom.
Discipline Policy- Major Offenses ** For severe offenses such as fighting the student will be written a discipline referral and the administration will follow the consequences recommended by the student code of conduct.**
Cell Phone Policy Students must be given specific permission from the instructor to use a cell/ smart phone while in class, otherwise the device should be powered off. There will be certain times that the instructor will prompt the student and/ or offer incentives to use their electronic device in class. Otherwise the use of electronic devices is strictly prohibited.
School-Wide Expectations & Procedures
School-Wide Expectations & Procedures Switch PowerPoint…
Mr Provost Rm 2403 Physical Science Welcome