Traditional Supports for Alternative Counselors Introductions and current roles Jon Widmier, Sonya Sallak and Amy Wells Jefferson County Public Schools
Learning Objectives: Participants will… increase their awareness of the challenges Alt Ed Counselors face. receive tools that can be used to support these challenges. identify at least one actionable step to take. Jefferson County Public Schools
Learning Objectives: Participants will… increase their awareness of the challenges Alt Ed Counselors face. receive tools that can be used to support these challenges. identify at least one actionable step to take. Jefferson County Public Schools
Learning Objectives: Participants will… increase their awareness of the challenges Alt Ed Counselors face. receive tools that can be used to support these challenges. identify at least one actionable step to take.
Learning Objectives: Participants will… increase their awareness of the challenges Alt Ed Counselors face. receive tools that can be used to support these challenges. identify at least one actionable step to take.
Success for ALL students Success for ALL students. That’s why we are ALL here whether you are working with Alternative of Traditional Schools.
American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Jefferson County Public Schools
ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors IDENTIFYING ESSESTIONALS: PLC Work Jefferson County Public Schools
Jefferson County Public Schools
Systems Approach American School Counselor Association Graduation Guidelines Unified Improvement Plan Educator Effectiveness Individual Career and Academic Plan School Counselor Corps Grant Systems Approach
District’s WHY is the 2020 vision District’s WHY is the 2020 vision. Focus on the WHOLE child and where counselors fit in.
Jeffco Supports Individual Career and Academic Plans School Counselor Corps Grant Option, Choice and Charter Committee Counselor PLC Transition Reports Early Warning Systems Jeffco Supports
Learning Objectives: Participants will… increase their awareness of the challenges Alt Ed Counselors face. receive tools that can be used to support these challenges. identify at least one actionable step to take. Jefferson County Public Schools
Alternative Education School Counselor Network To increase your awareness of the challenges Alt Ed Counselors face, we need to first look at the students they support most. These drawings were created during one of the Alt Ed networking opportunities. The counselors filled in characteristics they see in their students: Hopeful, strong, heart, broken, loyal, addicted, a gift, diverse… We really want to highlight the positive we are seeing on this list but must acknowledge the toll some of these challenging characteristics can have one our students health and lives.
SAMHSA’s Concept of Trauma - The Three “E’s” of Trauma: Event(s) Experience of Event(s) Effect Event Effect Experience of Event Jefferson County Public Schools
Alternative Education School Counselor Network These are the pictures our counselors drew when the were describing their roll as an Alternative Counselor.
Professional Development Climate and Culture ICAP and PWR Unique Challenges Building Funding Professional Development Climate and Culture ICAP and PWR Transcript evaluation Enrollment/Registration Building /Structures: No grant funds available. Expulsion and Safety Plan Kids: Share enough to keep student and staff safe. ICAP always a challenge Naviance (flexibility) : College and Colorado : Covered with Student fees SIS ok Scheduling: Hand schedule, Semester, trimaster, Transcript evaluation (transcribing) Every student being scheduled individually and behind Single classes: not able to schedule Registrar: Helpful if trained well. Course codes not updated with fidelity. Transcript trainings. Transcript form. Universal system. Cheat sheet used to be created Early college of Arvada. Enrollment deadlines Jefferson County Public Schools
High mobility Accountability Isolation Secondary Trauma Unique Challenges High mobility Accountability Isolation Secondary Trauma Student Engagement Transition Scheduling Building /Structures: No grant funds available. Expulsion and Safety Plan Kids: Share enough to keep student and staff safe. ICAP always a challenge Naviance (flexibility) : College and Colorado : Covered with Student fees SIS ok Scheduling: Hand schedule, Semester, trimaster, Transcript evaluation (transcribing) Every student being scheduled individually and behind Single classes: not able to schedule Registrar: Helpful if trained well. Course codes not updated with fidelity. Transcript trainings. Transcript form. Universal system. Cheat sheet used to be created Early college of Arvada. Enrollment deadlines Jefferson County Public Schools
Two Roads Charter School Full-Time 6-12 Grade, Home-schooled K-12 620 students Fall enrollment with occasional winter enrollment Small class sizes under 22 students Our climate fosters a supportive environment to help students grow both academically and emotionally Two Roads Charter School
Principal and Counselor Relationship Weekly Meetings Professional Development Expanding Counseling Department Re-Entry Meetings (Collaboration) Trying new things Always make time/Open Door Policy Advisement (ICAP and teacher support) Supports Self-Care Walk for 15mins Family Centered Good Fit/Connected Climate Culture Survey Credit deficiencies High Social/Emotional Need Smaller class sizes Jefferson County Public Schools
NOT Student Retention Courses Isolation GROUPS Student Retention HS mentor the middle school students Courses All transfer to traditional schools Isolation School Supports OCC Committee Alt Ed Network Colorado School Counselor Association Jefferson County Public Schools
Counselor Corps
Learning Objectives: Participants will… increase their awareness of the challenges Alt Ed Counselors face. receive tools that can be used to support these challenges. identify at least one actionable step to take.
Professional Development Alternative Education Network Fall and Spring in Colorado American School Counselor Association June/July Conference moves annually around the nation. Summer 2017 in Denver Colorado School Counselor Association November Conference in Colorado Colorado Council for High School/College Relations December Conference in Colorado National Alternative Education Association March Conference moves annually around the nation
Self Care Resources NCTSN Fact Sheet Wellness Assessment Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale So What is Self-Care? Teambuilding Clue Room Learning Styles Shawn Achor Happiness Advantage 21 Day Challenge Email Journal Andy Andrews Butterfly Effect Burn the Boats
Jefferson County Public Schools American School Counselor Association (ASCA) ASCA National Model Mindsets and Behaviors Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) Role of the School Counselor School Counselor-Principal Relationship School Counselor-Principal Annual Agreement ASCA Executive Summary College Board ENHANCING THE PRINCIPAL-SCHOOL COUNSELOR RELATIONSHIP Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) ICAP Toolkit CDE ICAP Resources School Counselor Corps Grant School Counselor Corps Grant Program Jeffco Date Driven Model Resources Jefferson County Public Schools
Learning Objectives: Participants will… increase their awareness of the challenges Alt Ed Counselors face. receive tools that can be used to support these challenges. identify at least one actionable step to take.
Jeffco District Counselor Amy Wells Thank You Jon Widmier Student Services Sonya Sallak Jeffco District Counselor Amy Wells Two Roads Charter School Counselor