Valuable Performance Meetings
Overview Conducting effective annual performance (appraisal) Asking the right questions Your teams’ right to be heard Your duty to respond The way to make it a businesss benefit
About Us Two decades working in HR and Recruitment A third of the work I do is working with Medical/Specialist Practices What we do: We put clients in contact with candidates they couldn’t reach unaided. 90% of people we place are from direct approaches we make on a client’s behalf We work from Medical Administration to Business Manager Levels We have preferred rates for our services for AAPM members nationally Full details about what we do can be found at: Connect with us on: @MconsultingsolutionsMCS
So what can we all agree on? And I am yet to meet anyone who really like Performance Appraisal Time of year….
The Case For…
The Case Against….
Things I See In GP Land We are too busy Practice meetings get postponed Practice Partners are not interested Accreditation is coming up so lets just hold for now We will do next year… I am not sure the Dr’s have time for this I am not even sure if the Dr’s are the best people to judge the staff’s performance Or Can we do CPI or what we did last year
Seven Reasons Why I Think You Should Still Have Performance Reviews Make your people feel valued Set new goals Resolve grievances Strengthen bonds Refocusing your team Oversight on current projects Assess the training needs of your team
Where Performance Appraisals Come Unstuck When feedback is generic When employees sense that it is process for the sake of a process When it becomes a lecture from the employer When timings for a annual process are moveable particularly when tied to salary reviews ie annual becomes 18 months and longer… When employees become frustrated and use it as a chance to lash out When employees feel vulnerable and compromised in giving honest self feedback
The Best Process I have Been Involved With Best Practice suggests that at the very least you should have a system that allows you document issues pertaining to Performance Management The best systems I have seen allow: - Staff to self review on set criteria - Managers to score and agree on outcomes -Performance reviews to happen annually without FAIL Outcomes to be tied to renumeration reviews
The Best Process I have Been Involved With In A Medical Practice
What Made This System Stand Out It took a commitment from the Practice to establish an annual review system It created a custom review document for every role in the Practice up to an and including the Business and Practice Manager It had a built in ability for all Partners (6 in total) to Score the Business/Practice Manager on a rating scale between 1 and 7 The process was automated and served as a record of performance The team built remuneration chart outlining what score rating was equal to warranting a CPI increase… and what warranted more Because the process was driven by the Practice Manager and the Partners were onboard the staff understood everyone was committed to the process
Asking The Right Questions Ideally your process will have a criteria that is role specific Preferably it will have the chance for an individual to self rate and for you to compare your rating as a manager and sign off on an agreed score and path forward It should be a chance to engage in conversation Outcomes in these meetings in my experience has included individuals working with managers towards mutually agreed exit strategies from an organisation
Your Team’s Right To Be Heard
Your Duty To Respond Let’s not confuse Performance Reviews with Performance Management What happens in a workplace where disappointment becomes disillusion We are moving towards a fight for talent Unemployment rates across the country are moving near pre GFC levels Everyone wants the best talent available and it stands to reason that top talent will have multiple options if they are not engaged or happy in their workplace It is not uncommon for me to see Practice/Business Managers accept that Partners are happy with adhoc performance reviews and as a by product do themselves a disservice in regularly having their own performance unreviewed and worse…left to deal with legal disputes/Fairwork Australia without the benefit of annual review documentation
Food For Thought
The way to make it a business benefit Make your people feel valued It’s an annual health check for YOU and YOUR TEAM It will act as a means to support your Performance Management System It should stimulate engagement rather being viewed as a threat Has the ability to reduce turnover and identify training needs But is needs a commitment from all parties If you can’t commit….don’t bother
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