CVE-1000 Intro to Civil Engineering & Construction Topic: Making Professional Presentations Prof. Ralph V. Locurcio, PE
Class Objectives… Part I Part II Understand the phases of engineering Describe the construction process Part II Making a professional presentation Presentations assignment
Part II Making a Professional Presentation
Communications: The Most Essential Tool Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Communications in Engineering Role of communications Convey needs & goals Provide instructions Clarify information Connection to leadership Establish & maintain team relationships Give directives & corrections Motivate and reward personnel
Engineer’s Communication Goals Deliver a clear picture of the task & goals Obtain needed information Convey a clear plan of action Listen, consider views, answer questions Motivate & make people feel important Supervise work & make corrections Give praise & encouragement Establish balance & maintain relationships Show you value employees & their ability Market work to prospective clients Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Communications Exercise Select a volunteer “communicator” Without naming the object, give directions to the group so that they will reproduce this object exactly in terms of size, shape and orientation. You have 5 minutes for the task Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Communications Exercise Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Communications Model A,A,A,A!! ---- ---- Skill level Organization Format Environment Delivery A,A,A,A!! ---- ---- Message ?????? Personality Perception Attitudes Emotions Prejudices Source Encoder Receiver Decoder Did he get the Same message???? Feedback Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Communications Filters Verbal: Words Gestures Voice Non-verbal: Face Eyes Expression Reaction A,A,A,A!!---- ---- Message A,B,C,D Source Encoder Receiver Decoder Filters Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Why Communications Fail Poor expression – choice of words, sensitivity to group, poor diction or delivery, culture differences Reluctant communicators – shy, uncomfortable, avoid conflict, personality, unfamiliar with group Dominant communicators – over power others, status, experience, cause “group think” Failure to question/disagree – issues remain, risks not questioned, new methods not explored Mechanics – distance, method, distortion, overload, filters, poor delivery No Feedback – failure to check for accuracy Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Making Presentations Structure Delivery Evaluation Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Basic Format for a Presentation Introduction - Attention getting step - Preview of your presentation II. Discussion - Develop key points - Support with data… be careful! - Logical order III. Conclusion - Review main points - Memorable statement Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Effective Presentations Eye contact: face your audience Diction: speak slowly & clearly Impact: use simple clear graphics Time: stick to your limit = 5 minutes!!! Memory: 3 or 4 Key points… max! Organize: simple clear structure Rehearse: practice delivery & timing Engage: your audience… do not read Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
10 Steps to a Good Delivery Step up and speak with confidence & authority Face the audience; establish contact! Begin without using notes Maintain eye contact with your audience Conversational… don’t read or memorize! Use only one 3x5 card for notes Speak loudly & clearly, avoid annoying pauses Have good posture, don’t lean or cross legs No distractions like coins, pencils, aids Dress appropriately… professionally! Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Homework assignment Prepare 5 min group presentation See topic list Group 1 – presents on__________ Group 2 – presents on__________ See topic list Complete evaluation sheet for all Submit 1 page evaluation summary Include evaluation sheets
Homework-1 Presentations : Groups each prepare a 20 min. presentation on the assigned topic (5 min per person) The presentation may be delivered using PowerPoint technology or flip charts. Presentation should be a creative explanation of your topic to enhance prior instruction and make the information memorable and useful for students in the class. You may only use 3x5 note cards for reference during the presentation. Follow the techniques presented in the class on oral presentations, cited on the attached evaluation sheets and the attached guide.
Homework-2 Grading Student Presentations : Students will observe and grade the student group presentations. Use the attached evaluation sheets for this purpose. After all presentations have been completed, analyze your evaluations and turn in a summary of your observations in a 1-2 page paper. Papers should summarize at least 5 good and 5 bad traits that you observed during the group presentations such as good or bad topic organization, diction, eye-contact, voice, body language, etc. Comment on the effect these traits had on the overall effectiveness of the presentation.
Homework-3 Student Groups – Groups have been formed of 3 to 5 students. Each will present on the following topics: Plans, Dimensions & Units Construction Management Geotechnical Structures & Bridge Design Water Resources & Fluid Properties Moments Transportation & Hiway Design Ethics LEED & Resource Conservation; Green Technology Calculation of Center of Gravity, Centroids and Moments
Homework-4 Additional info: A group of four MUST cover all four topics A group of three can pick any three of the four topics A group of five MUST cover all four topics and should also cover the additional topic: Calculation of Centroids and Moments Group members decide on which member presents each topic Each team member’s presentation must not exceed 5 min.
PRESENTATION EVALUATION Grading PRESENTATION EVALUATION Student/Group____________________ Poor < < < < << < Ave >>> > > > >V. Good 1 - Intro (1x): Gained attention, confident 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 oriented the listener, had outline 2 - Body (3x): Organization logical, easy to follow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3-4 key points were clearly stated key points were well developed 3 - Closing (2x): key points were restated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 had a memorable statement 4 - Effective (3x): Held attention, interesting, creative 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Spoke to audience; voice is loud & clear 5 - Appearance (1x): Professional posture & dress 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Score = (#1) + 3x (#2) + 2x (#) + 3x (#4) + (#5) = ________________ Especially good points: ________________________________________________________________ Needs improvement: __________________________________________________________________
My Website Prof R. V. Locurcio; Link 233
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Thank you for your attention Good luck in your studies!! Questions? Thank you for your attention Good luck in your studies!! 11/28/2018