© 2011 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Not to be distributed or reproduced by anyone other than CenturyLink entities and CenturyLink Channel Alliance members. Control Center – SIP Trunk V911 Feature Welcome to Control Center. The intent of this module is to provide an introductory view of the features and functionality available for V911 management in the SIP Trunk portlet of Control Center.
© 2011 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Not to be distributed or reproduced by anyone other than CenturyLink entities and CenturyLink Channel Alliance members. Assigning end-user to Telephone Numbers If your CenturyLink SIP Trunk service is provisioned with bidirectional telephone numbers (TNs), they will be displayed on this page. All TNs are anchored to a primary place of use (PPU) location defined on your service. This base location is the default 911 address to which emergency services will be dispatched in the event of a TN user dialing 911 from that TN. To empower V911 capability on the telephone number, and provide the end- user of that TN the ability to activate an alternate location to which emergency services should be dispatched in case the user is working at a different physical location and using soft-phone capabilities, the TN must be assigned. There are several ways to assign TNs to end users, but in all cases the assignment involves placing a first name, last name, and address on a given TN.
© 2011 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Not to be distributed or reproduced by anyone other than CenturyLink entities and CenturyLink Channel Alliance members. Options available on the Select Action menu: Edit TNs Individually – to quickly modify attributes on a single TN. Modify Multiple TNs – allows you to make the same change to multiple selected TNs. Download to Bulk Load.xls – allows you download selected numbers and make changes en masse using a template spreadsheet. Bulk Load – allows you to upload mass changes made to TNs through on the template spreadsheet. Through each of these paths, you may assign or re-assign a telephone number to an individual person (real or fake). Assigning end-user to Telephone Numbers (contd)
© 2011 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Not to be distributed or reproduced by anyone other than CenturyLink entities and CenturyLink Channel Alliance members. By assigning a telephone number to an end-user of that telephone number, you have effectively created a User ID and initial password into Control Center for the person assigned. Example shown here indicates TN is assigned to Mary Johnson. Mary may now access Control Center with User ID and an initial password which is provided to the administrator(s) of the enterprises SIPT service. If you are unable to locate this initial password, please contact the Control Center Help Desk. Assigning end-user to Telephone Numbers (contd)
© 2011 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Not to be distributed or reproduced by anyone other than CenturyLink entities and CenturyLink Channel Alliance members. Continuing with the example…Mary logs in using her assigned TN. Note, the system appends to the 10-digit telephone number. That is okay – just proceed with password. User will be prompted with a User Agreement which must be accepted, then will be prompted to create a secret question/answer for use in Forgotten Password situations, and finally will be prompted to reset the password to something personal for them. Once the user has finished the User Setup Actions above, the system will present a page as shown at left here. The Current Location will reflect the Base Location, or Primary Place of Use (PPU) on which the TN was provisioned. End-user access for V911 location management Control Center
© 2011 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Not to be distributed or reproduced by anyone other than CenturyLink entities and CenturyLink Channel Alliance members. Scrolling down on the page, user may then use the controls to Add or modify alternate locations (Manage My Locations) Change the current active V911 location for emergency calls (Change Current Location) Schedule future date/time at which the V911 location should be activated (Schedule Future Change) Example shown here – user may Change Current Location to either Base Location (its PPU), or an alternate location the user named First Floor CER. On any addition or modification or schedule update, user must click Save to affect the desired change. Confirmatory (system generated) will be sent to the address of record for this TN. End-user management of V911 location(s)