Ancient China Vocabulary
WARLORD A military commander exercising civil power by force, with his own army
ARISTOCRAT A member of an upper class of society, usually made up of hereditary nobility
ANCESTOR A person that someone is descended from
PICTOGRAPH A symbol in a writing system based on pictures
IDEOGRAPH A symbol in a writing system that represents a thing or an idea
BUREAUCRACY A group of nonelected government officials
HEREDITARY Having title or possession by reason of birth
MANDATE OF HEAVEN The belief that the Chinese king’s right to rule came from the gods
DAO Chinese system of beliefs which describes the way a king must rule
CONFUCIANISM A system of beliefs based on the teachings of Confucius
DAOISM A Chinese philosophy concerned with obtaining long life and living in harmony with nature
LEGALISM A Chinese philosophy that stressed the importance of laws
FILIAL PIETY The responsibility children have to respect, obey, and care for their parents
CENSOR An official who watches others for correct behavior
CURRENCY Something, such as coins or paper, that is used as a medium of exchange
CIVIL SERVICE The administrative service of a government
TENANT FARMER A farmer who works land owner by someone else and pays rent in cash or as a share of the crop
ACUPUNCTURE Originally, a Chinese practice of inserting fine needles through the skin at specific points to treat disease or relieve pain