Plant Variety Rights FARMERS’ POINT OF VIEW COPA-COGECA Presentation by THOR GUNNAR KOFOED, Chairman of the COPA-COGECA Working Party on Seeds
Plant Variety Rights COPA-COGECA are a umbrella organisation which represents at EU-25 level F National Farmers Unions and National Agriculture Cooperative Federations 15 million people working on farms and over 40,000 cooperatives
Plant Variety Rights F Going backwards COPA-COGECA had 2 positions
Plant Variety Rights Exemption for small farmers F Quantitative restriction at regional or national level Exemption for small farmers
Plant Variety Rights Monitoring of the regime NOW, AT PRESENT F Remuneration to the holder of the plant variety right: a key issue Monitoring of the regime NOW, AT PRESENT
Thank you for your attention COPA-COGECA Thank you for your attention