Joint CEOS/CGMS WGClimate


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Presentation transcript:

Joint CEOS/CGMS WGClimate Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Joint CEOS/CGMS WGClimate Jörg Schulz, EUMETSAT, WGClimate Chair CEOS 2018 SIT Technical Workshop Climate and Carbon Observations, Item 2.2 EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany 13 – 14 September 2018

Statements to SBSTA-49 and COP-24 3-14 December 2018, in Katowice, Poland.

Statements to SBSTA-49 and COP-24 CEOS now has an open mandate to report to SBSTA on progress. This mandate is given in the conclusions from last year, FCCC/SBI/2017/7 paragraph 56, and reads: “The SBSTA recognized the progress made by the satellite community (see para. 51(e) above), in close collaboration with GCOS, in the development of the essential climate variable inventory.It noted the usefulness of the essential climate variable inventory for climate services. It invited CEOS and CGMS to report on progress at future sessions of the SBSTA, as appropriate” CEOS-SEC has clarified who can lead CEOS delegation at COP-24, in particular on who is presenting the CEOS/CGMS Statement on Coordinated Response to UNFCCC Needs for Global Observations; As VNSC confirmed not being available UNFCCC welcomed EUMETSAT to speak on behalf of CEOS and to provide a statement at the opening SBSTA plenary at COP 24.

Statements to SBSTA-49 and COP-24 The statement itself is in draft stage (was awaiting last status on GHG); Document to be sent to CEOS and CGMS Secretariat by 28 September for review and endorsement at Plenary; Document to be sent to UNFCCC Secretariat by 26 Nov 2018; Presentation to COP-24/SBSTA-49: 3 Dec 2018. UNFCCC also welcomes a report from CEOS with a bit more detail, which would be considered as an official submission to the SBSTA. Report will consist of progress on WGClimate work and GHG – will use the executive summaries from gap analysis report and GHG whitepapers as resource. Will also support the information note on behalf of the SBSTA chair drafted by UNFCCC Secretariat on request.

Space Agency contribution to Paris Agreement CEOS-31-01 WGClimate to explore development of a brief, consolidated statement of space agency contributions in support of each Article of the Paris Agreement. 32nd CEOS Plenary Consulted GCOS and GEO that performed similar analysis in their areas; Will apply categorisation of Paris Agreement articles as depicted by GCOS (see next slide); Short note aims at 5 pages and will be sent to CEOS SEC by 28 September for review and endorsement at Plenary.

The Paris Agreement Courtesy from Simon Eggleston, GCOS

Partnerships - GCOS GCOS plans a multi GCOS panel meeting 18-22 March 2019 in Marrakech, Morocco. This will be back to back with WGClimate and WCRP Data Advisory Council; Selected Aims important for WGClimate: Planning of a GCOS Science Conference, updated Status Report and revised Implementation Plan Agree consistent approaches to panel activities including review of ECV Requirements, monitoring how well ECV are being observed and reviewing IP actions Back to back meeting with WCRP DAC to further foster use of Climate Data Records in Reanalysis and Climate Model Evaluation; Several members of WGClimate have signaled interest to participate. CMRS-13: Development and Promotion of Case Studies

2018 ECV Inventory, gap analysis, and Coordinated Actions Action Plan & Creation of conditions to deliver CDRs ECV Inventory Gap Analysis & Recommendations Gap analysis and coordinated action plan endorsed by CEOS and CGMS Plenaries; CEOS Work Plan Actions CMRS-15 (cycle#2 gap analysis), CMRS-16 (coordinated action plan) can be closed; Update of the Inventory will start 1 October; Inventory is fully compatible with GCOS 2016 IP; Coordinated Action #2 to allow an easier accommodation of agencies anticipating the generation of CDRs has been implemented; Next gap analysis will update all generic parts, changes to ECV products addressed in cycle#2, and some ECV products not addressed in cycle #2 but explicitly addressed in GCOS IP actions. 2018 A new support contract has been signed covering the coming years; Continued financial support from the EC for the Inventory is gratefully acknowledged

Public Access to ECV Inventory Public access to Inventory via This is the shopping window of WGClimate and will be further developed; Users can: Download the ECV Inventory content for own analysis; Find direct access points to CDRs in the Inventory; Get access to WGClimate gap analysis results and coordinated actions; Get access to case studies results analysing the use of CDRs for applications. Advertisement still to be done (CEOS-SEC Action 238-07).

Implementation of Coordinated Actions Implementation of Coordinated Actions will be distributed in CEOS and CGMS; Implementation has started: Presentation and first discussion with WGCV on CDR validation; First activities and discussion with MIM and OSCAR on addressing issues in those data bases relevant for gap analysis; First discussion with VC-SST on how to address analysis of usefulness of not used historical sensors for SST data records. Telecons are planned with all impacted VCs to address Actions and understand VC/WG capabilities with the target to make arrangements for the update of the CEOS Workplan 2019-21. In addition started to work with WGISS on DATA-9: ECVs/CDRs Discovery and Access through WGISS Systems.

Space Climate Observatory (SCO) (SIT-33-07) CNES proposed SCO in spring 2018 and was asking CEOS for engagement; According to CNES the primary objective of SCO will be to produce and distribute relevant, timely and accurate information on the impacts of Climate Change at national and regional scale through the use of space-based, in-situ measurements and appropriate modelling well crossed with socio-economic indicators; Centre Royal Télédétection Spatiale (Marocco) and China National Space Administration are listed as international partners; Discussion at CEOS SIT in April resulted in implementing the Chair of WGClimate as a CEOS observer of SCO activities (SIT- 33-07).

Space Climate Observatory (SCO) (SIT-33-07) Events since CEOS SIT: CNES demonstrated SCO at a specific event at the Toulouse Space Show accompanied by a new web site; CNES has invited agencies to the first international meeting on Space Climate Observatory in Bremen, Germany from 3 to 4 October 2018, in conjunction with the 69th International Astronautical Congress. WGClimate has done preliminary evaluation of current website and find it still confusing in terms of SCO’s aims; Currently it doesn’t make explicit reference to international coordination mechanisms such as GCOS, CEOS or CGMS WGClimate or the architecture for climate monitoring from space; Presented data are mostly not climate data records; Need to see if the meeting in Bremen early October can bring more clarity.