Overview of HMA/DAIL Overview of HMA ICDs HMA implementation at ESA Overall Schedule
Traditional HMA Context
HMA Overview HMA Interfaces / Topics: DAIL Definition: Discovery (Advertisement) Product Schema Catalogue Ordering Programming User (identity) Management On-line Access Information Security DAIL Definition: Data Access and Integration Layer shall process and route all requests and responses within a user/service facing infrastructure in a monitorable and accountable way, virtualizing the actual service locations, it shall ensure the transparent implementation of all relevant support functions for request distribution, split/join and authorisation.
Services Registration EO DAIL components EO DAIL DAIL PORTAL HM Services Services Front-End Collection Discovery Services Registration Service Discovery Service Orchestration User Management Security User Registration User Operator Provider Administrator Manager Monitoring & Control Report Generation Virtual File Service Help & Documentation … where … GCM Ground Segment HM/GS Services …… GS Services Catalogue GS Discovery User Management Security Order Virtual File Agent Programming Data Access
Discovery (Advertisement) Current DAIL baseline: CSW ISO profile Implementation: GEO Network Population for GSC-DA expects to be via DAP import Core ISO metadata to describe collections and services Some details e.g. schema semantics for subscribable collections still TBC Harvesting from other discovery services TBC See later presentations for status update on ebRIM ISO profile
Product Schema Title: GML 3.1.1. Application Schema for Earth Observation Products Editor: CNES Scope: A data dictionary and schema for EO product attributes, also used for GSC-DA metadata reports Status: Stable Issues: # degrees of freedom to express footprint geometries in GML expectation for more attributes to be identified, and other thematic extensions to be defined (altimetry and meteo) Updates for GML 3.2?
Catalogue Title: OGC™ Catalogue Services Specification 2.0 Extension Package for ebRIM (ISO/TS 15000-3) Application Profile: Earth Observation Products Editor: IONIC Scope: A standard protocol and XML serialisation for <EO product> catalogue Status: Prototype “standard” implementations Issues: flexibility/complexity of “filter syntax” Standardisation of base specification Documentation quality (examples) Complexity of schema Possible optimisations
Catalogue cont. Gateway implementations ESA (stylesheet translation ebRIM <-> EOLI-XML) EUMETSAT SPOT “Commercial” implementation supporting “charter catalogue"
Order Title:Ordering Services for Earth Observation Products Editor: Datamat Scope: Classic order, E-OA, subscription for catalogued products or collections Status: Relatively stable Issues: GetQuotation support E-OA minor changes Use of OGC “common” approach for parameter definition Complexity of schema
Programming Request: DescribeGetFeasibility Service: SPS Version SensorID InstrumentshortName: SensorMode: Spot SPS Façade request response Title:OpenGIS® Sensor Planning Service Application Profile for EO Sensors Editor: SPOT Scope: Future acquisitions and coverage order programming (feasibility and submission) Status: Relatively stable, early prototype implementations Issues: High degree of flexibility of schema and lack of “concrete” implementation in specification Documentation quality (examples) Link with ordering specification Standardisation
User Management Title: User Management Interfaces for Earth Observation Services Editor: Spacebel Scope: Federated user management and security context for HMA services Status: Relatively stable Issues: Completeness of documentation, examples Precise definition of encryption / security Support from COTS Implications of ISMS towards other GS implementations
Online Access Some definitions Online Collection E-OA WMS WCS VFS URLs available from catalogue, authorisation “issue” E-OA See ordering services ICD WMS Portrayal services (jpg access to geo-rectified data / browse) WCS Data services (xyz access to geo-rectified data) VFS Virtualised ftp service WMS Example: GetMap request / response: http://eoltd.co.uk/mapserver.cgi?VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&CRS=CRS:84&BBOX=78.105,24.913,94.794,36.358&WIDTH=560&HEIGHT=350&LAYERS=MER_RR__2P&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png &TIME=2002-07-01/2002-07-31 greyscale false colour pseudcolour (SAR) (optical) (geo/bio-physical)
HMA Implementation in ESA-GS A “native” implementation of HMA IF/s in ESA-GS Catalogue Order WMS User Management A “prototype” implementation of Programming Update of clients (including MMOHS) to support HMA Interfaces Major evolution of “user access facility” De-commissioning of MUIS (retirement of DSM, OFS, GIP, UMS) Simpler configuration to ease management of significant number of datasets
Overall status and schedule 2008 2009 Jan Feb Mar Apr Ma Jun Jul Au Se Oct No De EO DAIL Phase - 1 SRR PDR CDR AR/FAT PORR EO DAIL Phase-2 DAIL schedule current plan from consortium Ie. includes first announced delay DAIL ready for GSC integration with early avail GS HMA-E Phase - 2 CDR-b PDR CDR-a Reference implementations of HMA interfaces at ESA-GS based on COTS and re-use prototype, ready for DAIL I&V Full “native” implementation at ESA-GS, ready for DAIL I&V