Access Services 2.0: Tools for the new era Andrew Shuping November 12, 2009 Jack Tarver Library, Mercer University my presentation is going to be a couple of different things. i'll discuss what we tried, what filed, and why. but at the same time i'm going to give you pointers on things to try out. what you should be on hte look out for
What are we covering? Why new tools? What types of things did we try? What failed? What worked? Recommendations Questions and yes, i will talk about what failed. i'll let you know why it failed for us and what i learned from it so that it might work for you
Why new tools? well why not? what stops us from trying new things? i know we don't fix things unless they are broken, but why not look at how to improve things
Exploration explore what's out there. what's new, perhaps it simplifies the process, offers more, makes it easier to do, it improves efficiency
New some new for the sake of being new explore what's out there. what's new, perhaps it simplifies the process, offers more, makes it easier to do, it improves efficiency
explore what's out there. what's new, perhaps it simplifies the process, offers more, makes it easier to do, it improves efficiency
Improve efficiency explore what's out there. what's new, perhaps it simplifies the process, offers more, makes it easier to do, it improves efficiency
Collaboration more importantly it could help improve collaboration. with staff working different shifts, sometimes not seeing each other for days at a time what could they do to share their views in different ways.
It's Free! tried free tools Why? Because they were free. it meant i didn't need to go through the long drawn out process of getting money, i could experiment and play without worrying
What we tried Some of the things that we tried in the beginning: Wiki manual Google Documents Blog Google Map I came in with new ideas, things to try to help improve some of the things listed above
Wiki Manual
Google Document (pt 1)
ILL Blog
ILL Map and guess what
they all failed
Why did they fail? Not the right time Not the right people Not the right interest Not the right way to present it Not the right project i came in thinking, wanting to make things easier and fixing problems that i saw that they didn't see. i should have talked more. presented, displayed, changed the culture it also didn't meet what the users wanted. blog/map wanted to show more it also failed because
However... Why? Would I try these tools again? Without a doubt. Why? Circumstances change. People change. Tools get better.
What did work? For staff use: Google Calendar Google Documents LibraryThing Flickr Generating ideas: Library Society of the World Twitter Friendfeed
Google Calendar
Google Documents (pt. 2)
Library Society of the World (LSW)
What else do I want to try? IM YouTube Wiki...yes again dropi.o GoodReads Ninite
Recommendations What is it that you need? Who are the people using it What tech skills do they have Find a tool that meets your need and most importantly...
take chances
Make some waves
Be willing to take u-turns
Link for my presentation will be located on my webpage Thank you! I can be found at: Link for my presentation will be located on my webpage