Topaic / Topic: Fuaimeanna / Sounds: -uí Gaeilge do Thuismitheoirí – An Fhoghlaim Neamhspleách 1
Some sounds in Irish can be challenging for learners. Listen to the sound file here and listen to the difference between the sounds. Then try to say the words yourself... tuí tí luí lí buí bí faoi fí caoi cí On the next slide you will hear a little song from a CD for children called Sicín Sona Sásta – you will hear the sounds in context in the song. You can buy Sicín Sona Sásta from Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne
Now listen to the song and pay attention to the pronunciation of the words in bold below: Sicín mise go sona sásta Táimse anseo sa tuí im’ luí Féach anois ar mo dhá sciatháinín Eirbeaillín álainn is goibín buí Glossary: Sciatháinín – sciathán = wing. Adding an –ín at the end of a word makes it ‘smaller’ so it means ‘little wing’. Eirbeaillín – eirbeall = tail. Again, there’s an –ín at the end, so it means ‘little tail’. Listen again and sing along!
Listen to the audio and try to say the following rhymes... Bhí circín ina luí Ar an tuí buí In aice le Bean Uí Chuí A bhí ina suí ag guí Bhí tuí ar thaobh an tí tuí