FFA Forestry CDE – Elba High School – Mr. Davis
A. Tree Diameter (DBH)
B. Tree Height
C. Pulpwood Card 1.Fill out cards w/ info. 2.Measure DBH 3.Mark DBH 4.Measure Height 5.Mark Height(convert to feet, 16’=1 log,rounded to the nearest 1/4 log, 4’) 6.Figure Cu.Ft. w/ chart 7.Add up Cu.Ft. column for total on 1/5 ac.
C. Pulpwood Card(cont..) 8.Write in 1/5 ac total 9.Multiply by 5 to get total for 1 acre. 10.Divide total Cu.Ft. by 75 to convert to Cords/ac
C. Pulpwood Volume Table
C. 8 11 9 16 15 1.5 2.75 1.75 3.5 24 44 28 56 5.1 15.8 7.1 40.4 29.9 98.3 491.5 6.55
D. Saw timber Card 1.Measure DBH. 2.Write DBH in.(“) 3.Measure Height(logs) 4.Write in to nearest ½ log (8’). 5.Use the saw log chart to figure the volume(bdft) 6.Repeat 1-5 for all trees 7.Add up all marked trees for volume on 1/5 ac. 8.Multiply by 5 to get total for 1 acre.
D. 15 18 10 20 26 3 3 ½ 2 ½ 4 4 ½ 121 232 21 346 793 1513 7565
E. Timber Stand Improv. (TSI) 25 trees will be done All within 1/5 ac. Stand needs some work. 4. Unmarked trees will be part of the stand. 5. Information:”wildlife habitat, markets, present condition of stand, and final goal”. 6. Information is given to help to arrive at a final decision.
E. Timber Stand Improv. (TSI) Example: Landowner wants to continue to grow pines on his property by natural regeneration. He wants to harvest as much timber as possible now. He is not interested in hardwoods or wildlife habitat.
F. Tree I.D. 3
G. Compass Course The course will be laid out starting with a stick labeled A and going through F. You must figure out the distance to each stick and the bearing, given in degrees. 470 52 ft.
H. Forest Management Rec. Establish Fire Breaks – A plowed barrier often made by bulldozer, designed to stop advancing wildfire. They should be established around young stands of pines. (less than 10”dbh). They do not have to be established where existing firebreaks or natural barriers exist.
H. Forest Management Rec. Maintain Existing Fire Breaks – Fire breaks should be maintained each year. Burnable materials should be removed from fire breaks prior to the spring and fall fire seasons.
H. Forest Management Rec. Prescribe Burn – should be applied to either reduce the danger of wildfire when the depth of litter is over 2”, to improve forage resources, to improve wildlife habitat, to control brown-spot disease on Longleaf Pine, or to be used as a site preparation tool.
H. Forest Management Rec. Control Undesirable or Weed Species – removing undesirable trees and shrubs that are in competition with desirable trees. Undesirable vegetation may be removed by either mechanical means, chemicals, or prescribed burning.
H. Forest Management Rec. Establish Game Food Plots – To clear an area to plant foods such as clover, grain, etc., in order to provide a food source for certain types of wildlife.
H. Forest Management Rec. Control Erosion – This practice applies where skid trails, logging roads, loading sites or other critical eroding areas need close-growing permanent vegetation established to control erosion.
H. Forest Management Rec. Continue to Manage Stand – Manage in present condition, evaluating the management needs of the stand on an annual basis. Stands in this category are vigorous, well spaced, fast growing stands composed of desirable species. It would not be good to clear cut and replant when a good, well growing stand is already established.
H. Forest Management Rec. Precommercial Thinning – Consists of removing overcrowded trees that are too small to sell so that the remaining trees can make maximum growth. Precommercial thinning applies primarily to natural and direct seeded stands. Planted stands would not need thinning unless they have natural regeneration within them. Needed when average spacing between trees is 2’ or less.
H. Forest Management Rec. Harvest Trees Selectively – This practice is the thinning of merchantable trees to provide adequate room for trees to grow and to improve the quality of the timber stand. Trees that are either diseased, have insects or insect damage, or low quality should be removed in thinnings.
H. Forest Management Rec. Control Insects and/or Diseases – To end destruction of the forest stand by insect and diseases by use of chemicals or mechanical means.
H. Forest Management Rec. Clear Cut – Refers to the removing of all trees on an area in order to plant trees. Clear cutting is recommended in the following situations: (1) when all the trees of a stand are mature or over mature and it contains no desirable seed trees, (2) when the stand is stocked with undesirable species, (3) when the stand is seriously damaged by fire, insects, or disease, or (4) when it is required to regenerate certain species. Clear cutting is not recommended on steep lands subject to erosion.
H. Forest Management Rec. Leave Filter Strips Along Streams – Leaving of vegetation in an area adjacent to the bands of streams where extra precaution is necessary in carrying out forest practices to protect stream band integrity and water quality. Also called Streamside Management Zone (SMZ).
H. Forest Management Rec. Prepare Site for Planting – Prepare land for planting, direct seeding, or natural reproduction by clearing, herbicide application, burning, disking, bedding, windrowing, and/or raking.
H. Forest Management Rec. Plant Recommended Trees – This practice applies when either tree planting or direct seeding is needed to establish a stand of trees. This consists of either spot planting or planting a new stand. Areas to be planted should be at least ¼ acre.
H. Forest Management Rec. Hardwood Regeneration – A forest stand of hardwoods originating primarily from stump sprouts, but also includes cuttings and seeds.
H. Forest Management Rec. 1.Write down how many practices will be selected(they will tell you). 2.Select the appropriate practices. 3.Circle the corresponding number on the card (make sure you have as many as you are supposed to). Elba High O