Background: Jefferson had passed the Embargo Act 1807 to prevent Britain from impressing ship crews to serve in the British Navy. Americans had been buying manufactured goods from England and had to come up with alternatives. Resourceful Americans had to find ways to reproduce the manufactured goods they had become accustomed to using. America was on its way to becoming a major manufacturer and leader in the world.
Industrial Revolution - Factory machines replace hand tools and large scale manufacturing replaces farming as a way of work.
England made it illegal for textile workers to leave the country with their knowledge of how machines worked.
Station 1: Samuel Slater - Englishman who brings the secret of textile mills to America from England in 1789.
Family system: How Slater was able to employ entire families cheaply.
Many of the first factories were placed in the New England region for two reasons: Fast moving rivers to supply water for factories Large supply of people willing to work in factories. Farmers were tired of subsistence farming due to rocky New England soil.
Factory system Brings many workers and machines together to work under one roof.
Station 2 Lowell Mills enabled women to choose to move off of their farms and into cities to earn a wage. They also lived in company owned boarding houses. Salaries fell over time because of falling profits in wages. As a result, salaries dropped and working conditions worsened in the mills.
Factories would eventually move from the New England area because newer factories used steam, coal and wood to run engines, not fast running water. Eli Whitney developed the concept of interchangeable parts. This enabled manufacturers to produce identical parts that became standard. This meant faster production, easier repairs, and the use of less skilled workers.
Station 3: Steamboat Invention: Steamboat Inventor: Robert Fulton Impact: The boat was pulled instead of pushed. An inventor, Henry Shreve improved the steamboat by developing a design that could be powers against the current. This launched a whole new era of river travel.
Steam powered train Inventor: Peter Cooper Impact: Enabled those who did not live near rivers to receive goods over land. They could also travel over land.
Telegraph Inventor: Samuel Morse Impact: Communication becomes more immediate.
Steel Plow Inventor: John Deere Impact: Increased farm production. Enabled the heavier soil of the midwest not to cling to the newer lightweight plow. More farmers began moving to the Midwest and away from New England.
Threshing Machine Inventor: Andrew Meikle Impact: Ability to separate kernels from husks quicker than by hand. Improved farming methods.
Mechanical Reaper Inventor: Cyrus McCormick Impact: After the mechanical reaper, cutting became more efficient and quicker, improving farming methods. Before the mechanical reaper, harvesting was done manually.
Impact on the Regions: Midwest: Farmers grew food to Northeastern factory workers. Northeast: Sold manufactured goods to Midwest farmers. South: Sold cotton goods to Northeastern textile mills.
Station 4: Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. It cleaned 50 pounds of cotton a day. Cotton production increased significantly. In 1808 it became illegal to import slaves from Africa, and birthrate among enslaved people in America increased rapidly. Southern people supported slavery because they hoped to one day own slaves and make their own fortune.
Turn to page 374 in your book Turn to page 374 in your book. With a partner, read African Americans in the South. Discuss the following questions: 1. What effect did slavery have on families? Often children were sold from parents. Also, marriages were not recognized legally. 2. Who was Nat Turner? What does the word “abolitionist” mean? Nat Turner led a rebellion against slave owners that killed many men, women, and children. Because of his attacks, over 200 African Americans were killed in the South for revenge. Also slavery grew even more. The word abolitionist means a person who favors to end the practice of slavery.