Created by Cade, Bryanna, Kalvin, Elena, Morgan Unit 5 The Presidency Created by Cade, Bryanna, Kalvin, Elena, Morgan
Tenure, Succession, And Qualifications The Vice President Chief of… Executive Departments The Electoral College 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
the length of a presidential term
what is four years
minimum age of a president
what is thirty-five years old
American citizen for this many years to be eligible to become president
what is a ‘natural-born’ citizen
the maximum number of years a president can serve
what is ten years
The second cabinet member in order of presidential succession
who is the secretary of the treasury
the vice president is president of this house of congress
what is the Senate
the vice president aids in determining this about the President
what is the ability to fill the office of the President
the current vice president
who is Mike Pence
the vice president is this number in the order of succession
what is first
The vice president does this to help a presidential candidate during elections
What is “balance the ticket”
The president uses this role to control and authorize military action
What is commander-in-chief
The president uses this role to ensure that laws are executed and carried out
What is Chief Executive
The president uses this role to create treaties and pacts with other countries
What is chief diplomat
The president uses this role to oversee all operations within the country
What is chief of state
The president uses this role to lead their party
What is chief of the party
This department regulates currency and prints money
What is the department of the treasury
This department regulates the American workforce and created OSHA
What is department of labor
This department protects America from terrorists and immediate threats from abroad
What is the department of homeland security
This department controls all national parks, monuments, etc
What is the department of the interior
This department controls the CDC and regulates drugs
What is the department of health and human services
This is how the number of electoral votes is determined per state
What is the number of congressmen a state has
The month that a president is actually voted on by delegates
What is december
This is the number of electoral votes a candidate needs to win
What is 270
This is the number of electoral votes that Washington, DC has
What is three
These two states hold a proportional presidential election
What are Maine and Nebraska