GETTING ‘EVEN’ BETTER: FIVE LEVELS FOR PD EVALUATION (adapted from Guskey 2000) EVALUATION LEVEL WHAT QUESTIONS ARE ADDRESSED? HOW WILL INFORMATION BE GATHERED? WHAT IS MEASURED OR ASSESSED? HOW WILL INFORMATION BE USED? 1. PARTICIPANTS’ REACTIONS (Evaluates how staff feel about the quality of their professional learning) Did they enjoy it? Was the time well spent? Was the content relevant? Quality of delivery? Questionnaires/surveys “happy sheets” – evaluate the extent to which session’s objectives have been met? Teacher satisfaction with the experience To improve programme and delivery 2. LEARNING EVALUATION (Measures knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired through training) Have teachers acquired the desired knowledge and understanding? Staff baseline audits and follow up surveys O&F PL log/5 dials Surveys New knowledge and skill of participants To improve programme content, format, and organisation 3. ORGANISATIONAL SUPPORT (Assesses the support and ethos of the organisation) Was implementation advocated, facilitated, and supported? Were successes recognised and shared? What was the impact on the organisation? Whole school PD Audit e.g. NTEN Minutes from follow-up meetings Questionnaires The organisation's advocacy, support, facilitation, and recognition Whether PD impacted at a whole school level To inform future change efforts 4. BEHAVIOUR EVALUATION (Focuses on changes in behaviours as a result of training received) Are teachers using the new knowledge they have learnt? Feedback from staff through surveys or conversations. Low-stake learning walks, Line-management meetings Peer observations through Lesson Study Student evaluation Quality of implementation To document and improve the implementation of programme content 5. RESULTS EVALUATION (Assesses the impact of professional development on student outcomes) Has there been an impact on students? This could be any outcome – attainment, behavioural or attitudinal – depending on what need the PD was planned to address. Results of Action Research/ RCTs Assessment data Students’ learning outcomes To demonstrate the overall impact of PD