Volleyball Parent Meeting 2018
Welcome Coach Sumrall CBHS TRAINER
Game Day Meals: Online! Jason’s Deli Opportunity for a healthy meal before games Delivered to school during 7th period Pay weekly, or 1 time pay for entire season. Make payments online. See our website. http://wisgirlsathletics.weebly.com/volleyball.html
Coaches Jordan McCombs- 8A jmccombs@ccisd.net Jen Ruiz- 8A Jaruiz@ccisd.net Rebecca Scott- 7A Rscott@ccisd.net Lisa Coleman- 7B LColeman@ccisd.net
Website/Remind wisgirlsathletics.weebly.com Remind: 81010 @wisvo (Save this website) Remind: 81010 @wisvo
Practice times 7th Grade-8th Grade: Mon-Wed: 6:15 am Thurs – Game: No practice Fri - 7:00 AM (Doors lock at 6:20 for safety purposes) All morning practices!
Practice continued: Dressed in WIS attire, knee pads, hair pulled back, no jewelry. You need to be time! Athlete is responsible for contacting coach prior to practice starting if they are not attending. (Email or remind) All items should be left in your locker. All athletes will have a locker assigned to them.
Picture Day: October 12th 7am Come dressed in uniform. Don’t be late! Payment is done day of pictures!
*Please plan on attending 1 of these games. Jr. High Night: Clear Brook – 9/25 (Tues) Clear Lake – 10/5 (Fri) *Please plan on attending 1 of these games.
Queens Intermediate September 14th- September 15th Plan for a long day on Saturday. Locations: Queens Intermediate (Pasadena ISD) More details to come! Outside Tournament
District Tournaments 7A-October 27th @ Victory Lakes 7B-October 27th @ Victory Lakes 8A- October 27th @ Bayside 8B- October 27th @ Bayside (Plan for an all day tournament… 8am-4pm) District Tournaments
Playing time “A-Team” is considered to be a higher level team “B-Team” is considered a developmental team Missed practices/tardies will affect playing time An athlete can move from B to A or A to B Grades/Conduct/Eligibility all affect playing time.
Grievance Policy: Chain Of Command Athlete speaks with coach Athlete and parent speak with coach Athlete and parent speak with athletic coordinator
Game Day expectations B starts at 5:00…. A immediately follows: 6:15ish If your team isn’t playing, you are to be sitting as a team in the bleachers. Your options are to cheer, study, or snack. This is not social hour. No wandering. Clean-up your area after games. Westbrook will not leave a mess. Cell phones need to be put away. Uniform/Shorts to be worn over spandex.
Helpful Travel Info: All players must ride the bus to the games. Parents must fill out a travel form if athlete is leaving with a parent or guardian. Parents must also sign out players with a coach before you leave an away game. All players are to stay until all games are over. It is not necessary for parents to sign players out at home games. Please turn in travel forms ASAP! Tonight would be great.
Concession Stand Parents are needed to run the concession stand for home games. Please sign up for a few dates that you can help. (SignUpGenius) Link is posted on website! http://wisgirlsathletics.weebly.com/volleyball.html If your daughter is on B, you work during A team game. If your daughter is on A, you work during B team game. Please make your assigned game, it is your responsibility to find someone to work in your place. Concession stand profit is a HUGE provider for the Girls Athletic Banquet. 3 home games for 8th grade 4 home games for 7th grade.
Parent Responsibilities: - Drop off/pick up athletes on time for practices and games - Support athlete in a positive manner - Respect athletes, coaches and refs - Allow coaches to coach your athlete - Help drive to events (UH/Hope Village) -Work concessions
Spirit VB T-Shirts….. $20.00 Adult Sizes…. Cotton long sleeve shirt… FRONT: BACK: Adult Sizes…. Cotton long sleeve shirt… Order forms due Wednesday August 29th Parents are encouraged to order shirts as well!
Pricing for Shirts Volleyball Shirts: $20.00 XXL: $23.00 Checks payable to “WIS” Please include phone number on the check! PURCHASE TONIGHT! Turn in order form ASAP, so we can order shirts. Parents are encouraged to buy shirts too!
Team Parent to take pictures We use the pictures taken from the games/events for our banquet slideshow, and possibly for the yearbook. See Coach McCombs if you are interested.
Team Party: UH Volleyball Game – We will need parents to volunteer to drive to Houston.
Booster Club - Girls’ Athletics http://wisgirlsathletics.weebly.com/booster-club.html What does booster club do for my athlete? How do I become a member?
Each girl receives a professional photographer picture. Every 8th grader also receives a gift.
Booster purchases:
We are looking forward to a successful season We are looking forward to a successful season!! We couldn’t do it without you! Thank you!