Where do we go from here? Gottfried Hirnschall Director HIV dept, WHO Monday, 23 July, 10:15-12:15 Hall 11B, RAI Amsterdam
In Summary… Children are still getting infected and still not getting the best drugs in the formulations they need . We need acceleration and we can’t do business as usual There is a solid ground to build on – existing platforms and enthusiastic donors in drug optimization GAP-f depends on strong partnerships with industry Need for concrete action – joined forces – and accountability
WHO’s commitment WHO R&D roadmap launched at WHA Convene and lead GAP-f - critical partnerships required GAP-f holds potential for broader pediatric drug needs - contributing to reaching UHC GAP-f capitalizes on scientific, global health and business experience GAP-f to contribute to health care equity for all children around the world – leaving no-one behind!
Next Steps Develop a business plan – draft end 2018 Assess potential of the GAP-f initiative to other disease areas Proactively follow up with industry partners on existing plans and commitments Stay connected and give us your feedback!
Toolkit for research and development of paediatric antiretroviral drugs and formulations In collaboration with experts from the Paediatric Antiretroviral Working Group Available at http://www.who.int/hiv/pub/research-dev-toolkit-paediatric-arv-drug-formulation/en/ https://globalhealthtrainingcentre.tghn.org/research-toolkit-paediatric-antiretroviral-drug-and-formulation-development/
AIDS FREE TOOLKIT FOR THE ACCELERATION OF TESTING AND TREATMENT The AIDS Free Working Group Is pleased to announce the launch of a new AIDS FREE TOOLKIT FOR THE ACCELERATION OF TESTING AND TREATMENT SCALE-UP IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS LIVING WITH HIV Available at: http://www.who.int/hiv/pub/paediatric/aids-free-toolkit/en/
Key publications available at www.gap-f.org Articles in The Lancet HIV and JIAS Supplements in JAIDS and JIAS