I can talk and listen in difficult discussions


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Presentation transcript:

I can talk and listen in difficult discussions Year 6 – Being the same and being different I can talk and listen in difficult discussions True/ false sorting activity. Groups to sort statements under ‘true’, ‘false’ and ‘untrue’. Can they justify their decisions? Did they disagree about any of the statements? Share ideas as a class. What were the common threads? © Leeds South and East CCG

Learning outcomes Knowledge Skills I can recognise how images and campaigns in the media and social media do not always reflect reality and can affect how people feel about themselves e.g. body image, eating issues I can share my opinions on things that matter to me and explain my views through discussions with one other person and the whole class I can use appropriate vocabulary, such as ‘in my opinion…’to talk about lesson topics in a discussion and ask others for their opinions 2

How we will work together Can you remember the group agreement we have already talked about, let’s take a minute to think about them. Teacher notes Read these through with the children. Hopefully the group agreement will be displayed in the classroom already. 3

What do we already know? What is beautiful? Group discussion ‘What is beautiful?’ Groups/ pairs to sort a range of images from magazines/media in order 1-10 (1 being the most beautiful and 10 being the least beautiful in their opinion). Use sentence starters on slide 5 to scaffold discussions/ sharing of opinions. Groups/ pairs to discuss; ‘What might affect our ideas about what is beautiful?’ ‘Does what we see in the media represent reality? Why? Why not? Can the children suggest any other sentence starters/ vocabulary which helped in their discussions? Collect ideas on speech bubbles, as appropriate, for use throughout the lesson. 4

What do we already know? Group discussion What is beautiful? I think… What might affect our ideas about what is beautiful? Does what we see in the media represent reality? Why? Why not? I can see your point however… I agree that… however, I think… ‘What is beautiful?’ Groups/ pairs to sort a range of images that you provide to them from magazines/media in order 1-10 (1 being the most beautiful and 10 being the least beautiful in their opinion). Use sentence starters on slide 5 to scaffold discussions/ sharing of opinions. Groups/ pairs to discuss; ‘What might affect our ideas about what is beautiful?’ ‘Does what we see in the media represent reality? Why? Why not? Can the children suggest any other sentence starters/ vocabulary which helped in their discussions? Collect ideas on speech bubbles, as appropriate, for use throughout the lesson. I think… In my opinion… 5

Let’s get started Watch the video clip Source: LovelyLieKie, 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2Mn0TvDbaY Right click on ‘Video link’ hyperlink and click ‘open hyperlink’ to access video. Watch video clip (Stop at 2:02). Ask ‘What is Photoshop?’ Continue watching video clip (stop at 3:19). Discuss ‘Why are things in the media/ magazines, etc. photo-shopped?’ Watch remainder of the clip. Watch the video clip Source: LovelyLieKie, 2012 6

Let’s get started Talk partners What is Photoshop? Why are things in the media and magazines photo-shopped? Mixed ability groups to use images from magazines you gave to the pupils for slide 5. Groups to discuss what type of discrimination is depicted and how this might make people feel. Collect ideas in a group under headings given in relation to each scenario/ image they have. 7

Bright Body Talk! Watch the video clip http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p012d8l4 Right click on ‘Video link’ hyperlink and click ‘open hyperlink’ to access video. (Start watching clip from 01:12). Stop at 01:39, can the children come up with their own definition of body image? Continue watching video clip. Compare what the pupils on the video defined body image as to what the children themselves have come up with. Continue watching video clip. Stop at 03:32. Make sure the children understand what bright body talk is. Why might ‘bright body talk’ be a good thing to focus on? Discuss what kind of positive body compliments the young people could give to one another. Model some examples as necessary. How might this make the person receiving the compliment feel? How might this help them? Watch the video clip Copyright: BBC TWO, 2012 8

Bright Body Talk! Talk partners Why might ‘Bright body talk’ be a good thing to focus on? How might this make the person receiving the compliment feel? How might this help them? Make sure the children understand what bright body talk is. Why might ‘bright body talk’ be a good thing to focus on? Discuss what kind of positive body compliments the young people could give to one another. Model some examples as necessary. How might this make the person receiving the compliment feel? How might this help them? 9

Bright Body Talk! Group discussion Groups to think about words/ phrases they could use to engage in ‘bright body talk’/ sharing positive body compliments with others. As a group, use outline of a person to record these words/ phrases (enlarge outline of person currently on A4 onto A3). 10

My pledge Name:_________ My bright body talk pledge. I pledge to take part in bright body talk I pledge this because __________________ __________________ ______________. Groups to think about words/ phrases they could use to engage in ‘bright body talk’/ sharing positive body compliments with others. As a group, use outline of a person to record these words/ phrases (enlarge outline of person currently on A4 onto A3). 11

How has our learning progressed? Group discussion Body image only effects girls Feeling negative about your body can lead to disastrous consequences Beauty is only skin deep Being this is good for you Images in the media and social media can have a negative effect on others ‘body image’ Everyone should strive to look the same True/ false sorting activity. Groups to sort statements under ‘true’, ‘false’ and ‘untrue’. Can they justify their decisions? Did they disagree about any of the statements? Share ideas as a class. What were the common threads? True False Not sure 12

Taking the learning away When you’re next watching television, if there are any adverts, record your thoughts and feelings about body image and how this is portrayed, perhaps using a homework diary Practice using words and phrases we shared when offering your opinion/ideas in a future discussion 13

Additional resources and help Talk to your teacher or an adult in school Talk to your Mum, Dad or someone you trust at home about how you are feeling If you have them: – Write your worry down and post it in the class worry box – Talk to a peer mediator in your school – Write your worry down on the worry wall on the school’s website Contact: www.mindmate.org.uk/ im-a-young-person Where can I go for help? 14