TOMB RADIANS Click to start
Mission Brief You find yourself trapped in a tomb – where else?! A combination lock lies ahead of you. You can’t go over it; you can’t go under it; you’ll have to go through it. Around the room, you find clues to the order of the combination.
Mission Brief On closer inspection, you find that the clues are all maths problems – who says you don’t need maths in the real world? On even closer inspection (face on the wall now) it becomes apparent they are all past exam questions based on radians, including arc length, area of a sector and area of a segment. Lucky Lara.
Mission Brief You may start at any puzzle. Each highlighted section of a puzzle will lead you to the next puzzle in the chain (you should find your answer in a star on one of the other puzzles). Keep a note of the order of the colours; this will be the order of the combination lock.
Mission Brief However, the lock will only open by entering the combination in the exact right order, so you will need to know the correct starting colour. The sum of the answers to the other parts of the puzzles will translate to a specific colour – you will find the conversion chart next to the Sodden Algae Mound (SAM). Be quick; the cave will be permanently locked in 45 minutes.
Congratulations! You’ve escaped!
GAME OVER No, that’s not right. Try again?