Chapter 5 Early Years of WW2 (pg 45) Date: Objective Make clear the importance of WW2, what was fought for and how it was fought for. Warm-up – answer this question into your exercise copy. What are human rights? Name one. What happens if this right is taken away?
Notes in Notes copy, Questions in Exercise copy. ‘Blitzkrieg’ or Lightning War: A tactic where you use the airforce to bomb and then tanks and soldiers to overwhelm the enemy. ‘The Phoney War’: Refers to a period of calm in Europe following the defeat of Poland in September 1939 and the invasion of western Europe in the spring of 1940. Maginot Line: A defensive line built by the French alongside their border with Germany. Fails. Questions 2,3,5,6,7 page 49. Read pages 45-49
Questions 2,3,5,6,7 page 49. Read pages 45-49 Notes in Notes copy, Questions in Exercise copy. Operation Dynamo: a rescue mission where EVERY available ship crossed the English Channel to rescue troops from Dunkirk. Vichy France: A Nazi puppet state in Southern France. The Battle of Britain: the battle for Air Supremacy between the RAF and the Lutwaffe (Germans) during 1940 and 1941. The Blitz: The heavy bombing of British cities during 1940 and 1941. Questions 2,3,5,6,7 page 49. Read pages 45-49
Cooldown I think.... Write one I know.... sentence with I wonder.... these at the start