Michael Minges and Tim Kelly The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the ITU or its membership. The authors can be contacted at and
ITU Internet Case Studies Seek to understand factors which accelerate or retard the development of the Internet in different environments Obtain market information Through comparative analysis, advise policy makers and regulatory agencies Analyze spread of Internet in different sectors of the economy such as health, education and commerce as well as government The first round of studies include Uganda, Nepal, Egypt and Bolivia.
Uganda Overview Source: ITU from World Bank, UBOS data.
Telecom policy Reformed, privatized and liberalized Private mobile operator –CelTel, May 95 Regulator created –UCC, 1998 Second network operator introduced –MTN Uganda, Oct. 98 Incumbent part- privatized –UTL, Feb P. Masambu, Executive Director, UCC
Telecom market Low fixed penetration –Low investment, high tariffs Rising mobile penetration –2 operators, pre- paid, foreign investment First African country where mobile>fixed Telephone subscribers, Uganda (000s) Source: ITU from UTL, MTN, CelTel data.
Internet market Status –8 licenses issued, 4 active ISPs –Incumbent not yet providing ISP service –4000 subscribers, ~25000 users –Foreign investment –Wireless Internet could prove significant Recommendation –ISPs should peer locally, perhaps via an independent Internet exchange point
Internet tariffs Status –Not many options –Telephone usage charges –Long distance outside Kampala Recommendations –A nationwide dial code for Internet access should be established –Revenue-sharing of telephone calls charges should be encouraged Dial-up Internet access charges, US$ per month ISP charge Telephone usage Telephone subscription 30 hours per month Source: ITU from UTL, InfoCom data.
Donor projects DonorCounterpart US AID Makerere Univ. World Bank Min. Education DenmarkUBOS CanadaUCST ItalyMin. Health UNESCOUCST ADBMakerere Univ. ADBMin. Health NorwayMakerere Univ. Status –A number of IT projects are taking place with the assistance of bi- lateral and multi- lateral donor agencies and different sectors of Uganda government Recommendation –Greater co-ordination of these different efforts is required International & Bilateral IT projects for Uganda Source: ITU adapted from various.
Public Access Status –No explicit policy for Internet –Telephone line & payphone targets –Around 10 cybercafés in Kampala –Uganda Posts provides in 3 towns –Donor projects Recommendations –Emphasis should be placed on developing public access points such as telecentres, cybercafés, utilising for instance existing community locations such as post offices, schools, health centres, etc.
Domain name Status –Uganda OnLine registrar –Registration US$50 per year Recommendations –Registrar should be neutral –Costs should encourage development of web sites in Uganda Uganda (.ug) hosts Source: ITU adapted from Network Wizards.
Sector absorption Distribution of Internet Users Source: Charles Musisi, March 1999 Business 40% Academic 25% NGOs, UN, World Bank, etc. 30% Govern- ment 5% Recommendations –Awareness Promoting Internet through seminars, trade shows etc. –Content Local content in local languages –E-Government Government ministries should get on line –E-Commerce Creation of an e- Commerce task force
State of Internet Uganda Note: Range is 0 = (non-existent) to 4 (highly developed) Source: ITU adapted from Mosaic Group.